
Every week we post new inspirational and informative content on nutrition and fitness. 

Shopping List for People with Diabetes and High Cholesterol 糖尿病和高膽固醇患者購物清單

Heading to the store this weekend? If you have diabetes or high cholesterol, we’ve got the perfect Dietitian-approved Flexitarian Shopping List to make healthy eating easier!
🛒 What’s on the list?
✅ Foods that balance blood sugar
✅ Ingredients that lower cholesterol
✅ Simple, delicious options for everyday meals
Enjoy colorful fruits, fresh veggies, hearty whole grains, and protein-packed nuts and beans—all delicious and good for you! 🍎🥦🌾
🛒 清單上有什麼?
✅ 降低膽固醇的成分
✅ 簡單又美味的日常餐點選擇
享用色彩鮮豔的水果、新鮮的蔬菜、豐盛的全穀物食品以及富含蛋白質的堅果和豆類——所有這些都美味又對您有益! 🍎🥦🌾

5 Tips for Managing Your Blood Sugar 5 管理技巧你的血糖

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes and feel unsure about what to eat to keep your blood sugar in check? Managing blood sugar effectively is crucial for protecting your eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart, and more. Here are five actionable tips to help you take control of your health:
1) Understand how different food affect your blood sugar
-It is important to learn about your current level and see how different food affect your blood sugar.
-Don’t need to do this forever, just until you get your sugar under control
2) Eat small frequent meals instead of 2-3 big meals
-easier for the body to clear the blood sugar in the bloodstream
-Train analogy: It takes a long time to bring the people (blood sugar) from the platform (blood stream) into the train (cells) during traffic hour (after eating a big meal).
3) Eat whole grain carb in moderation
-You can still eat carb, just need to control portion and choose whole grain
-Fiber helps stabilize blood sugar
4) Eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables
-vegetables are great source of fiber
-Increase satiety and help stabilize blood sugar
5) Don’t eat fruit by itself
-always with meal or with a protein or healthy fats

Let’s work together to create a personalized plan that fits your lifestyle. fill out the application to schedule a FREE discovery call.

2)少吃多餐, 而不是2-3餐
– 使身體更容易清除血液中的血糖
-列車或地鐵比喻: 在交通繁忙時段 (吃完大餐後), 需要很長時間才能將人 (血糖) 從月台 (血管) 帶入火車 (細胞)。
-你仍然可以吃碳水化合物, 只需控制分量並選擇全穀物
– 總是與餐點或蛋白質或健康脂肪一起食用

Smart Tips to Manage Your Blood Sugar During Chinese New Year Festivities (農曆新年期間控制血糖的小貼士)

Chinese New Year is a time of joy, family gatherings, and delicious feasts! But with all the traditional treats and festive meals, it’s easy to oveeload on sugar and carbs. The good news? You can still enjoy the celebrations while keeping your blood sugar balanced.

Here are some smart strategies to keep your blood sugar balanced while still enjoying the celebrations.

農曆新年是歡樂的節日,是家人團聚、共享美味佳餚的節日!但是,在所有傳統美食和節日大餐中, 人們很容易攝取過量的糖和碳水。好消息?您仍然可以享受慶祝活動,同時保持血糖平衡。

以下是一些聰明的策略, 讓你在享受慶祝活動的同時保持血糖平衡.

Exercises for Lowering Blood Sugar (5 種降低血糖的活動

If you’re looking for a powerful, natural way to improve your blood sugar and feel more energized, you’re in the right place. Exercise is your secret weapon! It helps lower blood sugar, boosts insulin sensitivity, and keeps you feeling strong and vibrant. Here are 5 proven exercises to get you started on your journey to better health:
1️⃣ Walking
2️⃣ Strength Training
3️⃣ Yoga & Pilates
4️⃣ Swimming
5️⃣ Dancing

Your health starts with a single step. Which one will you try first?

如果您正在尋找一種有效、自然的方法來改善血糖並感覺更加精力充沛,那麼您來對地方了。運動是你的秘密武器!它有助於降低血糖, 提高胰島素敏感性, 讓您感覺強壯和充滿活力。以下有 5 個經過驗證的練習, 可幫助您開始邁向更健康的旅程:
1️⃣ 走路
2️⃣ 肌力訓練
3️⃣ 瑜珈與普拉提
4️⃣ 游泳
5️⃣ 跳舞


Reversing Diabetes Dos and Don’ts 逆轉糖尿病的注意事項

Want to reverse diabetes naturally? 💥 If you’re ready to take control and make powerful changes, don’t miss these MUST-KNOW Dos and Don’ts! From life-changing food swaps to simple lifestyle tweaks, here’s what you need to start doing – and what to avoid – to get on the path to reversing diabetes!

想自然逆轉糖尿病嗎?💥 如果您準備好掌控自己的健康並做出重大改變, 請不要錯過這些必須知道的注意事項!從改變生活的食物到簡單的生活方式調整,以下是您需要開始做的以及要避免的事情, 以走上逆轉糖尿病的道路!

3 Exercises to Lower Your Blood Sugar Immediately (3 種快速降低血糖的運動)

Are you looking for quick and effective ways to manage your blood sugar levels? Physical activity plays a vital role in regulating glucose levels in your body. Today, I’m excited to share 3 simple exercises that can help you lower your blood sugar and improve your overall well-being! 🏃‍♂️💪

您是否正在尋找快速有效的方法來管理您的血糖水平?體力活動在調節體內血糖水平方面起著至關重要的作用。今天, 我很高興與大家分享3個簡單的練習, 它們可以幫助您降低血糖並改善您的整體健康! 🏃‍♂️💪

Foods to Add to Your Meals to Lower Blood Sugar 降低血糖的三種食物

Here are three incredible foods to incorporate into your meals that can help stabilize blood sugar levels:
1. Ceylon Cinnamon
2. Flax Seeds
3. Chia Seeds
✨ Small changes can lead to big results!
管理血糖水平對於維持整體健康至關重要, 進行簡單的飲食調整可以產生顯著的效果。以下是三種令人難以置信的食物, 可以添加到您的膳食中, 它們可以幫助穩定血糖水平, 同時添加味道和營養:
1. 錫蘭肉桂
2. 亞麻籽
3. 奇亞籽
✨ 小改變可以帶來大成果!

Signs that you are Reversing Insulin Resistance 逆轉胰島素抗性的跡象

Wondering if all the hard work you’re putting in is paying off? Your body will start giving you clues when you’re turning the corner on insulin resistance. You might notice your energy levels are more balanced throughout the day, you’re craving less sugar, and maybe even losing weight without feeling like you’re forcing it.
These are real signs that your body is responding and healing. Keep an eye out for these changes as a reminder that you’re on the right path.
Stuck and not seeing results? If you want to reverse diabetes and experience these benefits, please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
想知道您付出的所有努力是否得到了回報?當您克服胰島素抗性時, 您的身體會開始為您提供線索。您可能會注意到, 您一整天的能量水平更加平衡, 您對糖的渴望更少, 甚至減肥變得更容易。
這些是您的身體正在做出反應和康復的真實跡象。請密切注意這些變化, 以提醒您您走在正確的道路上。
如果你嘗試空堂很久卻看不到結果? 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

10 Ways to ⬇️HbA1c in 3 Months – 在三個月內⬇️HbA1c


Imagine dropping your HbA1c in just 3 months—what a relief that would be! 💪 Here are 10 proven strategies I use to help people lower HbA1c ⬇️✨
Not sure where to begin? Schedule a free discovery call with me today! Don’t wait—start taking action now and experience the difference! Your health is worth it. Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
想像一下,您的 HbA1c 在短短 3 個月內就下降了——那將是多麼令人欣慰啊! 💪 以下是我用來幫助人們降低 HbA1c 的 10 種有效的策略 ⬇️✨
不知道從哪裡開始?今天就和我安排免費諮詢吧!不要等待, 立即開始行動, 體驗與眾不同!您的健康是值得的。請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

3 Life-threatening Diabetes Complications that can be Prevented – 3 個危及生命卻可以預防的糖尿病併發症

Living with diabetes can present numerous challenges, but understanding potential complications and taking preventive measures can significantly improve quality of life. Here are some life threatening complications that can be prevented:
1. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
2. Heart Disease, Heart Attacks or Strokes
3. Kidney Failure
If you need help avoiding these complications, please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
患有糖尿病可能會帶來許多挑戰, 但了解潛在的併發症並採取預防措施可以顯著提高生活品質。以下是一些需要預防的危及生命的併發症:
1. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒
2. 心臟病, 心臟病發作或中風
3. 腎衰竭
如果您需要幫助避免這些併發症, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

What should diabetics know about carbohydrates 糖尿病人對於碳水該注意些什麼呢?

Understanding the Glycemic Index (GI) of carbohydrates is crucial for managing your sugar effectively. The GI measures how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises your blood sugar levels. Choosing foods with a low or moderate GI can help control your blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of complications associated with diabetes.
If you need help improving your blood sugar and overall health by having the right carbs in your meal, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
了解碳水化合物的血糖指數 (GI) 對於有效管理血糖至關重要。GI 測量含碳水的食物升高血糖值的速度。選擇低或中等 GI 的食物有助於控制血糖水平, 降低糖尿病相關併發症的風險。
如果您需要幫助透過在飲食中添加正確的碳水來更好地控制血糖和整體健康, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

3 Blood Sugar Hacks that Actually Work 3 個有效控制血糖的小技巧

Managing blood sugar levels can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, you can keep them in check and enjoy a healthier life. Here are three simple yet powerful hacks that can make a real difference.
1. Walking After Meals 🚶
2. Eat Foods in a Certain Order 🍽️
3. Drink Chia Seed Water 💧
If you need help controlling blood sugar, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
管理血糖水平可能是一項挑戰, 但透過正確的策略, 您可以控制血糖並享受更健康的生活。這裡有三個簡單但有效的技巧, 可以帶來真正的改變。
1. 吃飯後去散步 🚶
2. 按特定順序吃食物 🍽️
3. 喝奇亞籽泡水 💧
如果您需要協助控制血糖, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

4 Best Grains for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes – 4種逆轉二型糖尿病的最佳穀物

Managing and reversing type 2 diabetes can be greatly influenced by the foods you eat, and incorporating the right grains into your diet is a powerful step. It’s understandable that many people with diabetes are scared to eat grains or carbs because they believe all carbs are bad. However, not all carbs are created equal, and the key is choosing the right types and portions.
Here are some of the best grains to help you on your journey to better health:
1. Barley
2. Quinoa
3. Farro
4. Buckwheat
Including these whole grains in your diet can help manage and even reverse type 2 diabetes. Choose whole grains over refined carbs and maintain a balanced diet for the best results. 💪
您所吃的食物會對控制和逆轉 2 型糖尿病產生很大影響,而將合適的穀物納入您的飲食中是一個強有力的步驟。許多糖尿病患者害怕吃穀物或碳水, 這是可以理解的, 因為他們認為所有碳水都不好。然而, 並非所有碳水都是一樣的,關鍵在於選擇正確的類型和份量。
1. 薏米
2. 藜麥
3. 法羅
4. 蕎麥
在飲食中加入這些全穀物, 可以幫助控制甚至逆轉 2 型糖尿病。選擇全穀物而不是精製碳水, 並保持均衡飲食以獲得最佳效果。 💪

3 Common Mistakes when Checking Blood Sugar

1. NOT washing your hands
2. NOT staying hydrated
3. NOT recalibrating your Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)
Managing your blood sugar levels is crucial for overall health, especially for those living with diabetes. However, even with the best intentions, it’s easy to make mistakes when checking your blood sugar. These mistakes can lead to inaccurate readings and affect your ability to manage your condition effectively.

Does your blood sugar look like this?

Do you feel like your energy levels are on a constant roller coaster? If your blood sugar spikes and crashes throughout the day, it could be affecting your mood, concentration, and overall health.
When you consume foods high in sugar or refined carbs, your blood sugar can spike quickly. This leads to a surge of insulin, which then causes your blood sugar to crash just as fast, leaving you feeling tired, irritable, and craving more sugar.
By making small changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can achieve more stable blood sugar levels. As a dietitian specializing Type 2 Diabetes, I’m here to help!

Showing you not just the WHAT, but the HOW for reversing type 2 Diabetes

Are you tired of the same old advice from your doctor? Prescription drugs, “Don’t eat this” and “go exercise more” can be discouraging.
Imagine a health journey where you receive personalized guidance and actionable steps tailored specifically to you. Here’s what you get when you work with me:
✅ Diabetes Reversal Strategies: Develop effective lifestyle changes that fix the root cause of diabetes, which is insulin resistance.
✅ Guidance on Foods You CAN Eat: Show you what you can eat, where to buy, and how to prepare delicious meals that support your health.
✅ Develop Customized Workout Plans with Personal Training: Strength training can help increase insulin sensitivity. We will show you how to exercise with correct posture and alignment in order to prevent falls and injuries.
Don’t settle for just the “what” – discover the “how” and unlock your potential for a healthier, happier life. Let’s make your health goals a reality!

Vitamin E can Help Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that Vitamin E might be a key player in reversing Type 2 Diabetes? 🥳✨
Here’s how Vitamin E can make a difference:
🔹 Antioxidant Powerhouse: Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that helps combat oxidative stress, a major factor in the development and progression of Type 2 Diabetes.
🔹 Improves Insulin Sensitivity: Studies suggest that Vitamin E can enhance insulin sensitivity, helping your body use insulin more effectively.
🔹 Reduces Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a common issue for those with Type 2 Diabetes. Vitamin E’s anti-inflammatory properties can help lower inflammation levels, promoting better overall health.
🔹 Protects Blood Vessels: By maintaining the health of your blood vessels, Vitamin E can help prevent complications associated with Diabetes, such as heart disease and stroke.
Remember, while Vitamin E can be beneficial, it’s important to consult with your healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet or supplement regimen.

3 Big Myths of Type 2 Diabetes

When it comes to Type 2 Diabetes, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. Let’s debunk three major myths that might be holding you back from managing your health effectively. 💪
1. You CAN’T Eat Fruits 🍎🍓
2. Diabetes is Caused by TOO MUCH CARBS 🍞🍝
3. Type 2 Diabetes is NOT Reversible 🔄
Don’t let these myths hold you back! Educate yourself, make informed choices, and take control of your health.

Your food choices can…

Your food choices play a crucial role in causing, preventing, and even reversing Type 2 Diabetes.🍎🥦✨
With personalized guidance, you can:
✅ Learn how different food affect your body
✅ Discover the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to stabilize blood sugar levels.
✅ Explore delicious, diabetes-friendly recipes that are easy to prepare.
✅ Learn which foods to prioritize and which to limit to support your health goals.