High and Low Phosphorus Foods
Why OZEMPIC can NEVER replace healthy lifestyle & diet 為什麼 OZEMPIC 永遠無法取代健康的生活方式和飲食
Stop relying on quick fixes! Temporary solutions may offer relief, but they don’t address the root cause. When you stop, the problem often returns, sometimes worse than before.
The real key to better health is making lasting lifestyle changes: eating nourishing foods, staying active, and managing stress. These habits create real, sustainable results that quick fixes can never provide.
Food recommendations for people with Chronic Kidney Disease and high potassium level
This Japanese Eating Habit may be the SECRET to living longer 日本人的這種飲食習慣可能是長壽的秘訣
In Okinawa, Japan—home to some of the world’s longest-living people—they follow a practice called Hara Hachi Bu: stopping when they’re 80% full.
This mindful approach to eating isn’t just a tradition—it’s a game-changer. 🧠💡
By tuning into your hunger cues and avoiding overeating, you can:
🌟 Improve digestion
🌟 Reduce inflammation
🌟 Lower your risk of chronic diseases
🌟 Boost overall balance and well-being
The best part? It’s easy to start:
🥢 Eat slowly.
🍴 Control your portions.
🍽️ Savor every bite.
We practice Hara Hachi Bu as a family too and we eat small frequent plant based meal. My 82-young dad was able to reverse his cholesterol and better manage his blood sugar.
Ready to give it a try? Your body and future self might just thank you. 🙌
在日本沖繩——世界上最長壽的一些人的家鄉——他們遵循一種名為“Hara Hachi Bu”的做法:當他們吃飽了 80% 時就停下來。
這種用心飲食的方式不僅是一種傳統,也是一種遊戲規則的改變者。 🧠💡
我們一家都有練習原八部, 我82歲的爸爸更逆轉他的膽固醇和更好地控制他的血糖.
準備好嘗試了嗎?你的身體和未來的自己可能會感謝你。 🙌
Our Program
Are you ready to thrive and not just survive? Are you ready to change your health for good? Watch this video to discover how!
7 Plant-based Protein to Lower Cholesterol (7 種降低膽固醇的植物性蛋白質)

Foods to Eat Less to Reduce Cholesterol (想降低膽固醇應少吃的食物)

Healthy Eating During Travel
Traveling doesn’t mean sacrificing your health goals. With just a microwave and a fridge, you can prepare nutritious meals during your stay. Stock up on easy-to-prep essentials like microwavable rice, canned beans/lentils, fresh minimally-prepped veggies, and ready-to-eat proteins like rotisserie chicken, salmon packet, or tofu. For quick breakfasts, pack oats, nut butter, bread, and fruit, and bring healthy snacks like unsalted mixed nuts or chickpea snacks for those on-the-go moments.
Balance is key—enjoy local specialties while making healthier choices for most meals. With a little planning, staying nourished and energized during your travels is easier than ever. Which ideas would you like to try? 🧳✈️
What are GMOs and Why are they Bad For You 什麼是基因改造生物以及為什麼它們對您有害

4 Things that Keep You from Burning Fat in Your 40s and Beyond 4 件事讓你在 40 多歲時無法燃燒脂肪

10 Takeaways from the Microbiome Labs Conference 微生物組會議的 10 個 重點

How can the Elderly Prevent Muscle Loss 老年人如何預防肌肉流失
6 Tips to Improve Gut Health 改善腸道健康的 6 個秘訣
How to Manage High Blood Pressure 如何管理高血壓
Managing high blood pressure can feel overwhelming, but you’ve got the strength to make a difference. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to serious complications like heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and vision loss. But with the right steps, you can take control of your health and reduce these risks.
Here’s how you can start:
1️⃣ Reduce sodium intake – Cutting back on salt can significantly lower your blood pressure.
2️⃣ Reduce stress – Find activities that help you relax, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.
3️⃣ Exercise – Regular physical activity can help keep your blood pressure in check.
4️⃣ Sleep – Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
If you need help managing high blood pressure, Fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call. AHealthierYouJourney.com/work-with-us
控制高血壓可能會讓人感到不知所措, 但你有力量做出改變。不受控制的高血壓會導致嚴重的併發症,, 如心臟病, 中風, 腎臟疾病和視力喪失。但透過正確的步驟, 您可以掌控自己的健康並降低這些風險。
1️⃣ 減少鈉攝取量 – 減少鹽攝取量可顯著降低血壓。
2️⃣ 減輕壓力 – 尋找有助於放鬆的活動, 例如冥想或深呼吸練習。
3️⃣ 運動-定期進行身體活動可以幫助控制血壓。
4️⃣ 睡眠 – 獲得充足的優質睡眠對於維持健康的血壓水平至關重要。
如果您需要幫助控制高血壓, 請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。AHealthierYouJourney.com/work-with-us-chinese
5 reasons why Fad Diet does not work

7 Foods that Reverse Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes
Alternative Natural Sweeteners for Diabetics

Why Insulin Resistance can lead to Type 2 Diabetes
Did you know that insulin resistance is a major precursor to Type 2 Diabetes? When your cells don’t respond well to insulin, your body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels. Key risk factors include being overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in refined carbs and sugars, family history, and high blood pressure. But there’s good news – you can take steps to reverse insulin resistance and regain control of your health. Experts like us can provide personalized guidance and support to help you make the necessary lifestyle changes.
The Blue Zones
Things to consider before trying Ozempic