Chinese Dance Inspires Staying Active All Year Long! (優雅力量和傳統的運動)
Chinese dance is more than just a beautiful tradition; it’s a powerful way to stay active, connect with culture, and embrace the rhythm of life. Whether it’s the graceful movements of classical Chinese dance or the lively spirit of the lion dance, each step is a reminder to move forward with purpose.
Exercise doesn’t have to mean the gym. The key to staying active isn’t forcing yourself into workouts you dread—it’s about finding activities you truly enjoy and making them a part of your lifestyle. Whether it’s dancing, hiking, yoga, pickleball, or even gardening, movement should feel fun, exciting, and sustainable.
中國舞蹈不僅是一個美麗的傳統, 更是保持活力, 接觸文化和擁抱生活節奏的有效方法。無論是中國古典舞的優美動作, 還是醒獅的活潑精神, 每一步都在提醒我們有目標地前進。
運動並不一定意味著要去健身房。保持活躍的關鍵不是強迫自己進行你討厭的鍛煉, 而是找到你真正喜歡的活動並使它們成為你生活方式的一部分。無論是跳舞, 行山, 瑜珈, 匹克球, 甚至是園藝, 運動都應該讓人感到有樂趣且可持續。
4 More Intermediate Pilates Moves 4 個中級普拉提動作
Happy Fitness Friday 週五健身快樂!!
Take your Pilates practice to the next level with these more challenging intermediate moves designed to enhance your strength, flexibility, and control. 💪✨ Whether you’re looking to refine your technique or push your body to new limits, these moves will leave you feeling more balanced and empowered than ever before.
Here are 4 more intermediate pilates moves to try:
1️⃣ Side Kick
2️⃣ Shoulder Bridge Prep
3️⃣ Shoulder Bridge
4️⃣ Leg Pull Back
Get ready to elevate your practice 💫
透過這些比較有挑戰性的中級動作, 將您的普拉提練習提升到一個新的水平, 這些動作旨在增強您的力量, 靈活性和控制力。 💪✨ 無論您是想提升自己的技術還是將身體推向新的極限, 這些動作都會讓您感覺比以往更加平衡和充滿力量。
這裡還有另外 4 個可以立即嘗試的普拉提動作.
準備好提升您的練習水平? 💫
10k Steps Goal!!
4 Intermediate Pilates Moves 四個中級普拉提動作
Are you ready to take your Pilates routine to the next level? These intermediate moves will challenge your strength, flexibility, and control, helping you feel stronger and more centered than ever. 💪✨
Here are 4 Pilates moves to master:
1️⃣ Saw
2️⃣ Spine Twist
3️⃣ Double Leg Stretch
4️⃣ Single Leg Stretch
These moves are perfect for building deeper core engagement and improving flexibility. Ready to elevate your Pilates game? Let us know which move you’re excited to try! 💫
您準備好將普拉提訓練提升到新的水平了嗎?這些中級動作將挑戰您的力量, 靈活性和控制力, 幫助您感覺比以往更強壯, 更集中。 💪✨
這些動作非常適合建立更深層的核心和提高靈活性。準備好提升您的普拉提水平了嗎?讓我們知道您很想嘗試哪個動作! 💫
4 Easy Pilates Moves to Get Started 4個簡單的普拉提動作
Ready to build strength, improve flexibility, and feel amazing? Try these 4 simple Pilates moves today:
1️⃣ Pelvic Curl
2️⃣ Roll-Up
3️⃣ Side Lifts
4️⃣ Roll Like a Ball
No fancy equipment needed—just you, a mat, and a commitment to yourself! Start small, focus on your breath, and enjoy the journey.
Which move will you try first?
準備好增強力量, 提高靈活性並享受美妙的感覺嗎?立即嘗試以下 4 個簡單的普拉提動作:
不需要花俏的設備——只需要你, 一張墊子和對自己的承諾!從小事做起, 專注於呼吸, 享受旅程。
Work Hard, Stay Consistent, and Be Patient (努力工作, 保持一致, 並存著耐心)
Every drop of sweat, every healthy choice, and every moment of perseverance adds up. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about the growth you experience along the way.
When the path gets tough, remember why you started. With dedication and consistency, you can achieve the extraordinary! Celebrate every little victory, as each one brings you closer to your goals. We believe in you! Let us be your partners in this journey.
If you are ready for the real transformation, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
每一滴汗水、每一個健康的選擇、每個時刻的堅持都積少成多。這不僅是目的地的問題; 而是你一路上所經歷的成長。
當道路變得艱難時, 請記住你開始的原因。憑藉奉獻精神和堅持不懈, 您可以實現非凡!慶祝每一次小小的勝利,因為每一次勝利都會讓您更接近目標。我們相信你!讓我們成為您這段旅程的合作夥伴。
如果你準備好進行真正的轉變, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。
Glute Workout
Want to get the most out of your glute exercises? Join me as I share the do’s and don’ts for working your glutes! Let’s make sure you’re building strength the right way. Whether you’re just starting or have been at it for a while, these tips will help you achieve your goals safely. 💪
想要充分利用臀部運動嗎?跟我一起分享鍛鍊臀肌的注意事項!讓我們確保您以正確的方式增強力量。無論您是剛開始還是已經使用了一段時間, 這些提示都將幫助您安全地實現目標。 💪
Yoga Class at Happy Humble Hub – Happy Humble Hub 的瑜珈課
Couples who plank together stay together

Do’s and Don’ts for Leg Press 腿部推舉的注意事項
Train Hard, Recover Hard!
Fit Body Bootcamp
Finally Oscar and I were able to try out a class at one of the Fit Body Bootcamp locations last week, and we had a fun and productive workout. We found out about Fitbody Bootcamp since we have been part of the Legacy Tribe group coaching, which was led by 3 amazing coaches: Bedros Keuilian who is the Franchise owner of Fitbody, Bryce Henson who is the CEO, and Jason Redman, who is a former Navy Seal. Between these three amazing coaches, it has definitely leveled up our mindset, guide us to be better entrepreneurs, and become 2.0 version of ourselves
Every effort brings you closer to your goals

Pilates Class at the Local BASI Pilates Studio
After finishing my Pilates teacher training retreat in Portugal, I had my 1st session of private and group mat pilates class at the local BASI pilates studio, glad to find a host studio I can obtain my observation and teaching hours and continue my practice.
BASI Pilates Teacher Training retreat at Casa Cales in Loule, Portugal
Just finished my BASI Pilates Teacher Training retreat at Casa Cales in Loule, Portugal. It’s been such a wonderful experience. Our group of 14 girls are from all over the world. Learned so much from each one of them. Looking forward to practicing more and teaching soon. Thanks especially to our instructor Ola Mazur, our assistant instructor Nami Skarule, and our retreat host Mareile Paley. On our last day, it happened to be International Pilates Day, and we joined the founder of BASI Pilates Rael Isacowitz for a Pilates session over zoom with people around the world! What a treat!
Happy Fitness Friday
Happy Fitness Friday
Happy Fitness Friday
Experiencing the Activator Method
Feel free to check out his website.
Shoulder Mobility Workout
Coach Nathan helped work on my shoulder mobility. Before the workout, I was not able have my hands above my head when I raise my shoulder, it was always in front of my shoulder. With all these exercises, I was able to increase the range of motion of my shoulder a little bit more, and even lift a barbell above my head, pretty cool!
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