
Every week we post new inspirational and informative content on nutrition and fitness. 

Hong Kong Association of Southern California Business Mixer (南加州香港協會商務社交活動)

Thanks for inviting me to speak at the Hong Kong Association of Southern California business mixer event last Thur! 🎤🤝 It was a wonderful chance to meet new people and share ideas. I was able to share my entrepreneurship journey as a Dietitian coach.
昨天在南加州香港協會商業混合活動上發表了愉快的演講! 🎤🤝 這是結識新朋友和分享想法的絕佳機會。有機會分享一下我做營養教練的企業家旅程

3 Exercises to Lower Your Blood Sugar Immediately (3 種快速降低血糖的運動)

Are you looking for quick and effective ways to manage your blood sugar levels? Physical activity plays a vital role in regulating glucose levels in your body. Today, I’m excited to share 3 simple exercises that can help you lower your blood sugar and improve your overall well-being! 🏃‍♂️💪

您是否正在尋找快速有效的方法來管理您的血糖水平?體力活動在調節體內血糖水平方面起著至關重要的作用。今天, 我很高興與大家分享3個簡單的練習, 它們可以幫助您降低血糖並改善您的整體健康! 🏃‍♂️💪

Yoga Class at Happy Humble Hub – Happy Humble Hub 的瑜珈課

Did yoga class at Happy Humble Hub tonight in a magical place with my intern Yuyun. They have yoga class there every Tue night at 630pm. Come check out the class if you are in the area.
今晚和我的營養實習生 Yuyun 在 Happy Humble Hub 一個 夢幻 的地方上了一節瑜伽課。他們每週二晚上 6:30pm 都有瑜珈課。如果您在聖蓋博地區, 請也來參加。

4 Things that Keep You from Burning Fat in Your 40s and Beyond 4 件事讓你在 40 多歲時無法燃燒脂肪

Are you tired of battling stubborn pounds as you enter your 40s and beyond? You’re not alone! Many face these frustrating challenges, but it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time to take control and break through the barriers that are holding you back from reaching your weight loss goals!
Here are four critical obstacles that could be sabotaging your fat-burning efforts, along with powerful strategies to overcome them.
🌟 Ready to transform? We’re here to empower you with a personalized approach that tailors the right food choices and a balanced fitness plan specifically for you! Let’s ignite your potential and achieve the vibrant, healthy life you deserve!
當您進入 40 多歲時, 您是否厭倦了與頑固的體重作鬥爭?你並不孤單!許多人面臨著這些令人沮喪的挑戰, 但情況不一定如此。是時候掌控並突破阻礙您實現減重目標的障礙了!
以下是可能破壞您的脂肪燃燒努力的四個關鍵障礙, 以及克服這些障礙的強大策略。
🌟 準備好改變您的旅程了嗎?我們隨時為您提供個人化的方法, 專門為您量身定制合適的食物選擇和均衡的健身計劃!讓我們激發您的潛力, 實現您應得的充滿活力的健康生活!

Rainbow Quinoa Fried ‘Rice’ 五彩藜麥炒飯

Ingredients (4 servings):
2 cup dried quinoa, rinsed
3 cups water or low-sodium vegetable broth
1 can black beans, low sodium
1 cup corn kernel
1 3/4 mushrooms, sliced
2 carrots, peeled and diced
3 scallions, thinly sliced (green and white parts)
1 small zucchini, diced
1 cup cabbage, shredded
1/2 cup bell pepper (any color), cored and diced
1 tbs sesame oil
3 tbs low sodium tamari sauce
2–3 tsp garlic powder
sriracha hot sauce (optional)
1. Rinse your quinoa in a fine mesh sieve under cool running water. In a medium sauce pan combine quinoa with 1 3/4 cups water or vegetable broth, bring to a boil, simmer covered for 15 minutes. Once done, remove the cover and let it set for another 10 minutes to soak up the excess water. Fluff with a fork and set aside. (Or use this fail-proof Instant Pot Quinoa recipe)
2. In wok or large skillet, heat oil over medium high, add vegetables, black beans, and stir fry for 1 minute or so. Add tamari, garlic powder and other seasonings to taste. Cook for another 3 – 4 minutes stirring occasionally, use a lid if needed to help soften the vegetables a bit.
3. Add in quinoa to the veggie mixture, turn heat to high, cook another 3 – 5 minutes stirring constantly adding a drizzle of oil if the mixture seems too dry.
Serve warm. Top with a little sriracha or tamari if you like.
材料 (4份):
2 杯乾藜麥, 沖洗乾淨
3 杯水或低鈉蔬菜湯
1 罐低鹽黑豆
1 杯玉米粒
1 3/4 蘑菇, 切片
2 根胡蘿蔔, 去皮切丁
3 根蔥, 切成薄片(綠色和白色部分)
1 個小西葫蘆, 切丁
1 杯高麗菜, 切絲
1/2 杯燈籠椒 (不同顏色), 去核並切丁
1 大匙芝麻油
3 大匙低鈉醬油
2–3 茶匙大蒜粉
是拉差辣醬和蒜粉, 可選
1. 將藜麥放入細網篩中, 用冷水沖洗。在中等大小的平底鍋中, 將藜麥與水或蔬菜湯混合, 煮沸, 蓋上小火煮 15 分鐘。完成後, 取下蓋子, 再放置 10 分鐘以吸收多餘的水。用叉子弄鬆並放在一邊。(或使用這個萬無一失的即溶藜麥食譜)
2. 在炒鍋或大煎鍋中, 將油加熱至中高, 加入蔬菜, 黑豆, 炒約1分鐘。加入醬油, 蒜粉和其他調味料。再煮 3 – 4 分鐘, 偶爾攪拌, 如果需要, 可以蓋上蓋子, 以幫助軟化蔬菜。
3. 將藜麥加入蔬菜混合物中, 將火調高, 再煮 3 – 5 分鐘, 不斷攪拌, 如果混合物看起來太乾,可加入少許油。
趁熱食用。如果你喜歡的話, 可以在上面放一點是拉差或醬油。

Falling off the Wagon

Struggling to stay consistent with your diet? Feeling like you’re constantly falling off the wagon with sugary snacks and social gathering? I know it’s frustrating, but you’re not alone. Diet slip-ups can derail your progress, but with the right guidance, you can get back on track.
Experience real transformation through small, manageable steps and ongoing support. Track your progress, stay motivated, and build lasting habits with professional help. Reach out today and start your journey to a healthier, happier you! 🚀💪🙌
Let’s make this weekend your turning point—enjoy it while staying on track. Have any eating-out plans for the weekend? Make sure to incorporate a balanced diet into your meals!
努力保持飲食一致?覺得自己總是因為含糖零食和出外應酬而推遲開始改變習慣?這很令人沮喪, 但你並不孤單。飲食失誤可能會破壞您的進步, 但透過正確的指導, 您可以回到正軌。
透過小的, 容易接受的步驟和持續的支援體驗真正的改變。在專業幫助下追蹤您的進度, 保持動力並養成持久的習慣。今天就行動起來, 開始您的健康、快樂之旅吧! 🚀💪🙌

We are not what we eat, we are what we absorb 我們不是我們所吃的, 而是我們所吸收的

A diverse and balanced gut microbiome is vital for optimal nutrient absorption and overall health. Factors like diet, lifestyle, and medications can significantly impact the composition and function of gut bacteria.
If you or your older parents try to gain weight by increasing calories but have not seen any results, please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
多樣化且平衡的腸道微生物組對於最佳營養吸收和整體健康至關重要。飲食, 生活方式和藥物等因素會顯著影響腸道細菌的組成和功能。
如果您或您年長的父母嘗試透過增加卡路里來增加體重, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

Foods to Add to Your Meals to Lower Blood Sugar 降低血糖的三種食物

Here are three incredible foods to incorporate into your meals that can help stabilize blood sugar levels:
1. Ceylon Cinnamon
2. Flax Seeds
3. Chia Seeds
✨ Small changes can lead to big results!
管理血糖水平對於維持整體健康至關重要, 進行簡單的飲食調整可以產生顯著的效果。以下是三種令人難以置信的食物, 可以添加到您的膳食中, 它們可以幫助穩定血糖水平, 同時添加味道和營養:
1. 錫蘭肉桂
2. 亞麻籽
3. 奇亞籽
✨ 小改變可以帶來大成果!

Mushroom Edamame Noodle Bowl 蘑菇毛豆蕎麥麵碗

Ingredients (4 servings):
4 cups of shiitake mushrooms
1 medium piece ginger, peeled, finely grated
4 garlic cloves, smashed
1/4 cup dried seaweed or kelp
1 tbs organic reduced sodium miso paste
2 tbs sesame oil
1.5 cup soba noodles or konjac noodles (low carb option)
2 radishes, trimmed, thinly sliced
1 cup mixed herbs (such as shiso, Thai basil, cilantro, and/or mint)
1/4 cup kimchi
Toasted sesame seeds
1.5 cups organic edamame, shelled
*For the soup*
1. Bring ginger and 4.5 cups water to a simmer in a medium saucepan over medium-high heat. Cover, reduce heat to very low, and gently simmer 25 minutes to allow aromatics to infuse and flavor the water. Strain soup through a fine-mesh sieve into a large bowl; discard solids. Wipe out the saucepan and pour soup back in. Add seaweed/kelp and return to a simmer.
2. Mix miso and 1 Tbs soup in a small bowl, then stir into soup in a pan. Keep soup hot if used right away.
3. Do Ahead: Soup can be made 2 days ahead. Let cool, then transfer to an airtight container and chill.
*For the noodles and assembly*
4. Shell the edamame. Heat avocado oil in a medium skillet over medium-high. Add edamame and mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, finely grate garlic over the mushroom and edamame mixture, and mix well (the garlic will cook in the residual heat).
5. Drop noodles into very hot soup. Cover pan and let sit 3 minutes.
6. Divide noodles and soup among bowls. Top with mushrooms, radishes, herbs, kimchi, and sesame seeds; drizzle with sesame oil.

1. 將蘑菇, 薑, 蒜頭和 4.5 杯水放入中型平底鍋中, 以中高火煮沸。蓋上鍋蓋, 將火調至非常低的溫度, 然後小火慢燉 25 分鐘, 讓芳香劑融入水中並調味水。將高湯透過細網篩過濾到一個大碗中。擦乾淨平底鍋,然後將湯倒回。
2. 將味噌和 1 湯匙混合。將高湯放入小碗中, 然後將高湯放入鍋中攪拌。如果立即使用, 請保持高湯熱。
3. 提前做: 可以提前2天製作高湯。讓它冷卻, 然後轉移到密封容器中並冷卻。

4. 將有機毛豆剝殼。在中型煎鍋中以中高火加熱牛油果油。加入毛豆和蘑菇,煮約 5 分鐘。 離火, 將大蒜加在蘑菇和豆腐的混合物上, 攪拌均勻, 即可食用。
5. 將麵條放入熱湯中。蓋上鍋蓋, 靜置 3 分鐘。
6. 將麵條和高湯分裝在碗中。上面放上蘑菇, 蘿蔔, 香草, 發酵蔬菜和芝麻;淋上芝麻油。

When you feel frustrated by slow progress, remind yourself that good things take time 當你因進展緩慢而感到沮喪時, 提醒自己美好的事情需要時間

Ever feel like you’re giving it your all, but the results aren’t coming fast enough? Remember, great things take time. Every small action you take is progress, even when it doesn’t feel like it. 💫
It’s not about perfection, it’s about showing up for yourself, even when the changes feel small. Today’s movement is a step toward the stronger, healthier you!
您是否曾經覺得自己已經全力以赴, 但結果卻來得不夠快?請記住, 偉大的事情需要時間。你採取的每一個小行動都是進步, 即使你自己不覺得。 💫
這不是為了完美, 而是要優先考慮您自己的需求, 包括每天鍛鍊身體, 即使改變很小也沒緊要。今天的運動是讓您踏出變得更強壯, 更健康的一步!

Do’s and Don’ts for Leg Press 腿部推舉的注意事項

Today, I’m showing you the Do’s and Don’ts of the Leg Press to help you get the most out of your workout while staying safe. It’s such a great exercise for building lower body strength, it is especially important for the elderly since this is the same muscle we use to sit down and get up from the toilet and get in and out of the car. That’s why it is so important to preserve this muscle. But if done incorrectly, it can lead to injury or lack of progress.
今天, 我會教大家腿部推舉的注意事項以幫助您能夠保持安全又得到最大的鍛鍊效果。對於增強下半身力量來說, 這是一項非常重要的運動, 這對老年人來說尤其重要, 因為我們在坐下, 上廁所, 進出汽車時都會使用這塊肌肉, 這就是為什麼保護這塊肌肉如此重要。但如果做得不正確, 可能會導致受傷或緩慢進展。

Signs that you are Reversing Insulin Resistance 逆轉胰島素抗性的跡象

Wondering if all the hard work you’re putting in is paying off? Your body will start giving you clues when you’re turning the corner on insulin resistance. You might notice your energy levels are more balanced throughout the day, you’re craving less sugar, and maybe even losing weight without feeling like you’re forcing it.
These are real signs that your body is responding and healing. Keep an eye out for these changes as a reminder that you’re on the right path.
Stuck and not seeing results? If you want to reverse diabetes and experience these benefits, please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
想知道您付出的所有努力是否得到了回報?當您克服胰島素抗性時, 您的身體會開始為您提供線索。您可能會注意到, 您一整天的能量水平更加平衡, 您對糖的渴望更少, 甚至減肥變得更容易。
這些是您的身體正在做出反應和康復的真實跡象。請密切注意這些變化, 以提醒您您走在正確的道路上。
如果你嘗試空堂很久卻看不到結果? 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

Avocado Harvest from Garden

1st time harvesting these avocados from our garden since we planted them during Covid! 🥑 Feeling grateful! There’s nothing quite like growing your own fresh produce 🌱💚

自從疫情時在我們家後院種下的牛油果樹, 終於第一次有收穫! 🥑 對豐富感到感激。沒有什麼比自己種植新鮮農產品更好的了🌱💚

Teriyaki Tofu-Tempeh Casserole 照燒豆腐天貝砂鍋

Ingredients (4 servings):
2 cup organic tofu (super firm), cubed
2 cup tempeh, cubed
4 cups combo of snow peas, baby carrots and broccoli florets
1 cup quinoa or cauliflower rice (low carb option)
1 cup water
1/4 cup low sodium teriyaki sauce
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp garlic, minced
1 tbs sesame oil

1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
2. Drain tofu, then cube. Cube the tempeh as well.
3. Bake tofu-tempeh: Place tofu and tempeh in a 9×13 dish, drizzle with 1/4 cup of low sodium teriyaki sauce, 1 tbs of sesame oil, and toss to coat. Bake for 20–25 min. Lower oven to 350°F.
4. Cook quinoa or rice per package directions (20–40 min depending on variety).
5. Steam vegetables using preferred method.
6. In the baking dish, move tofu and tempeh aside, add quinoa or rice, veggies, and most remaining sauce. Toss to combine.
7. Optionally bake at 350°F for 10–15 min to warm through.
8. Portion into bowls, top with remaining sauce. Enjoy!

材料 (4份):
2 杯有機豆腐 (超硬), 切塊
2 杯天貝, 切塊
4 杯荷蘭豆, 小胡蘿蔔和西蘭花的組合
1 杯藜麥或花椰菜米 (低碳水化合物選項)
1 杯水
1/4 杯低鈉照燒醬
1/2 茶匙薑末
1/2 茶匙大蒜, 切碎
1 大匙麻油

1. 將烤箱預熱至 400°F。
2.豆腐瀝乾水分, 切塊。把豆豉也切成方塊。
3. 烤豆腐豆豉:將豆腐和豆豉放入9×13的盤子中,淋上1低鈉照燒醬, 麻油, 切碎的蒜頭, 和薑蓉拌勻。烘烤 20-25 分鐘。將烤箱溫度降至 350°F。
4. 依照包裝說明煮藜麥或米 (20-40 分鐘, 視品種而定)。
6. 在烤盤中, 將豆腐和天貝移到一邊, 加入藜麥或椰菜花飯, 蔬菜和大部分剩餘的醬汁。攪拌混合。
7. 可選擇在 350°F下烘烤 10-15 分鐘以熱透。
8. 盛入碗中,淋上剩餘的醬汁。享受!

Your Gut Health Plays a Crucial Role on Your Mental Health 你的腸道健康健康與你的心理健康息息相關

If you feel anxious or down, instead of just taking antidepressant or anxiety medication, focus on your gut health. Balancing the good and bad bacteria in your gut and increasing the diversity of your overall gut microbiome can definitely help.
The connection between your gut and brain is incredibly powerful, and understanding how to nurture this relationship is key to feeling your best both mentally and physically. 🌱
Here are a few ways to support a healthy microbiome:
🍽️ A diet rich in diverse, high-fiber foods
🥛 Adding probiotic-rich foods to your meals
🚫 Steering clear of ultra-processed foods
🧘 Managing stress effectively
🏃‍♂️ Staying active with regular exercise
😴 Prioritizing good quality sleep
If you need help optimizing your gut health, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
如果您感到焦慮或情緒低落, 不要只服用抗憂鬱或抗焦慮藥物, 而應關注腸道健康。平衡腸道中的好菌和壞菌並增加腸道微生物群的多樣性肯定會帶來更大的幫助。
腸道和大腦之間的連繫息息相關, 了解如何培養這種關係是讓您在精神和身體上都保持最佳狀態的關鍵。 🌱
🍽️ 富含多樣化, 高纖維食物的飲食
🥛 在膳食中添加富含益生菌的食物
🚫 遠離過度加工食品
🧘 有效管理壓力
🏃‍♂️ 透過定期運動保持活力
如果您需要協助優化腸道健康, 請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。

When you finally catch the person who sabotaged your diet

Ever had one of those moments where you realize the biggest hurdle on your lifestyle change journey is actually you? It’s a tough realization, but here’s the good news: having a coach can make all the difference! 🌟
With the right support, you don’t have to navigate these moments alone. A coach doesn’t just help you identify your triggers—they show you exactly HOW to overcome them and make lasting changes. The right support makes all the difference in optimizing your health and have a more vibrant life.
If you want to overcome obstacles in your diet and your mindset, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
您是否曾經有過這樣的時刻: 您意識到飲食中最大的障礙實際上是您自己?這是一個艱難的認知, 但好消息是: 如果有一位好的教練, 一切都會不一樣! 🌟
有了合適的支持, 您就不必獨自度過這些艱難時刻。教練不僅可以幫助您識別觸發因素, 還可以準確地向您展示如何克服它們, 並做出持久的改變。 恰到好處的支援對於優化您的健康並擁有更充滿活力的生活至關重要。
如果你想克服飲食和想法的障礙, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

10 Ways to ⬇️HbA1c in 3 Months – 在三個月內⬇️HbA1c


Imagine dropping your HbA1c in just 3 months—what a relief that would be! 💪 Here are 10 proven strategies I use to help people lower HbA1c ⬇️✨
Not sure where to begin? Schedule a free discovery call with me today! Don’t wait—start taking action now and experience the difference! Your health is worth it. Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
想像一下,您的 HbA1c 在短短 3 個月內就下降了——那將是多麼令人欣慰啊! 💪 以下是我用來幫助人們降低 HbA1c 的 10 種有效的策略 ⬇️✨
不知道從哪裡開始?今天就和我安排免費諮詢吧!不要等待, 立即開始行動, 體驗與眾不同!您的健康是值得的。請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

Vegetarian Kimchi Fried Rice 素食泡菜炒飯


Ingredients (4 servings):
Fried Rice:
2.5 tbs avocado oil
1 cup yellow onions, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbs minced ginger
1 cup kimchi
2 cups brown rice
2 cup cauliflower rice
2 carrots, shredded
1 tbs sesame oil
2 scallions, sliced (separate the dark green parts from the light green and white parts)
black sesame seeds for topping

Fried Eggs:
1 tbs avocado oil, add more if necessary
4 large organic eggs

1. In a wok or a large sauté pan, heat 1 1/2 tbs of avocado oil over medium-high to high heat.
2. Add the onions and cook until they start to turn translucent, about 2 to 3 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute, until they start to become fragrant. Add the kimchi and stir until heated through, about a minute. Add the rice, carrots and the light green and white parts of the scallions to the wok. Stir to combine everything.
3. Add the sesame oil, and stir until all the rice has been well coated with all the sauces.
4. Add the dark green parts of the scallion and stir everything again. Remove rice from heat.
5. In a separate pan, heat 1 tbs of avocado oil and fry up the 4 eggs.
6. Serve the rice with the fried eggs. Sprinkle some black sesame seeds on top.

材料 (4份):
2.5 大匙酪梨油
1 杯黃洋蔥, 切丁
3 瓣大蒜, 切碎
1 大匙薑末
1 杯泡菜
2 杯糙米
2 杯花椰菜米
2 根胡蘿蔔, 切絲
1 茶匙芝麻油
2 根蔥, 切片 (將深綠色部分與淺綠色和白色部分分開)

1 湯匙酪梨油
4 顆大有機雞蛋

1. 在炒鍋或大炒鍋中, 以中火至高溫加熱 1.5 湯匙酪梨油。
2. 加入洋蔥, 煮約 2 至 3 分鐘, 直到洋蔥開始變成半透明。加入大蒜和薑, 煮 30 秒到 1 分鐘, 直到開始散發香味。加入泡菜, 攪拌至加熱, 約一分鐘。將米, 胡​​蘿蔔和蔥的淺綠色和白色部分加入鍋中。攪拌以混合所有東西。
3.加入香油, 攪拌至所有的米飯都沾上所有的醬汁。
4.加入蔥的深綠色部分, 再次攪拌。將米飯從火上移開。
5. 在另一個平底鍋中, 加熱 1 湯匙酪梨油, 煎 4 顆雞蛋。
6. 將米和煎蛋一起上桌。上面撒上一些黑芝麻。

Join us on our FREE Mindful Nutrition Masterclass 😊

Are you ready to rethink your relationship with food and create lasting change in your health journey? Join me for a FREE Mindful Nutrition Masterclass on Saturday, September 28th at 10am PST, co-hosted with Holly Joy McCabe, expert in Somatics, Psychology, & Neuroscience.
In this exclusive session, we’ll dive beyond the “what” of eating and deep into the “why” and “how.” 🧠✨ Discover the root causes behind your health challenges and learn how to make mindful, lasting changes in your wellness journey.
If you’ve been struggling with your relationship with food or just want a fresh approach to health, this webinar is for you, 🥗🌟 don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with a community of individuals ready for growth and transformation.
Start your journey to a healthier, happier you! 💪
Let’s do this together! 💚