Hong Kong Association of Southern California Business Mixer (南加州香港協會商務社交活動)

3 Exercises to Lower Your Blood Sugar Immediately (3 種快速降低血糖的運動)
Are you looking for quick and effective ways to manage your blood sugar levels? Physical activity plays a vital role in regulating glucose levels in your body. Today, I’m excited to share 3 simple exercises that can help you lower your blood sugar and improve your overall well-being! 🏃♂️💪
您是否正在尋找快速有效的方法來管理您的血糖水平?體力活動在調節體內血糖水平方面起著至關重要的作用。今天, 我很高興與大家分享3個簡單的練習, 它們可以幫助您降低血糖並改善您的整體健康! 🏃♂️💪
Yoga Class at Happy Humble Hub – Happy Humble Hub 的瑜珈課
4 Things that Keep You from Burning Fat in Your 40s and Beyond 4 件事讓你在 40 多歲時無法燃燒脂肪

Rainbow Quinoa Fried ‘Rice’ 五彩藜麥炒飯
Couples who plank together stay together

Falling off the Wagon

We are not what we eat, we are what we absorb 我們不是我們所吃的, 而是我們所吸收的
Foods to Add to Your Meals to Lower Blood Sugar 降低血糖的三種食物

Mushroom Edamame Noodle Bowl 蘑菇毛豆蕎麥麵碗
1. 將蘑菇, 薑, 蒜頭和 4.5 杯水放入中型平底鍋中, 以中高火煮沸。蓋上鍋蓋, 將火調至非常低的溫度, 然後小火慢燉 25 分鐘, 讓芳香劑融入水中並調味水。將高湯透過細網篩過濾到一個大碗中。擦乾淨平底鍋,然後將湯倒回。
2. 將味噌和 1 湯匙混合。將高湯放入小碗中, 然後將高湯放入鍋中攪拌。如果立即使用, 請保持高湯熱。
3. 提前做: 可以提前2天製作高湯。讓它冷卻, 然後轉移到密封容器中並冷卻。
4. 將有機毛豆剝殼。在中型煎鍋中以中高火加熱牛油果油。加入毛豆和蘑菇,煮約 5 分鐘。 離火, 將大蒜加在蘑菇和豆腐的混合物上, 攪拌均勻, 即可食用。
5. 將麵條放入熱湯中。蓋上鍋蓋, 靜置 3 分鐘。
6. 將麵條和高湯分裝在碗中。上面放上蘑菇, 蘿蔔, 香草, 發酵蔬菜和芝麻;淋上芝麻油。
When you feel frustrated by slow progress, remind yourself that good things take time 當你因進展緩慢而感到沮喪時, 提醒自己美好的事情需要時間

Do’s and Don’ts for Leg Press 腿部推舉的注意事項
Signs that you are Reversing Insulin Resistance 逆轉胰島素抗性的跡象
Avocado Harvest from Garden
1st time harvesting these avocados from our garden since we planted them during Covid! 🥑 Feeling grateful! There’s nothing quite like growing your own fresh produce 🌱💚
自從疫情時在我們家後院種下的牛油果樹, 終於第一次有收穫! 🥑 對豐富感到感激。沒有什麼比自己種植新鮮農產品更好的了🌱💚
Teriyaki Tofu-Tempeh Casserole 照燒豆腐天貝砂鍋
Ingredients (4 servings):
2 cup organic tofu (super firm), cubed
2 cup tempeh, cubed
4 cups combo of snow peas, baby carrots and broccoli florets
1 cup quinoa or cauliflower rice (low carb option)
1 cup water
1/4 cup low sodium teriyaki sauce
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp garlic, minced
1 tbs sesame oil
1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
2. Drain tofu, then cube. Cube the tempeh as well.
3. Bake tofu-tempeh: Place tofu and tempeh in a 9×13 dish, drizzle with 1/4 cup of low sodium teriyaki sauce, 1 tbs of sesame oil, and toss to coat. Bake for 20–25 min. Lower oven to 350°F.
4. Cook quinoa or rice per package directions (20–40 min depending on variety).
5. Steam vegetables using preferred method.
6. In the baking dish, move tofu and tempeh aside, add quinoa or rice, veggies, and most remaining sauce. Toss to combine.
7. Optionally bake at 350°F for 10–15 min to warm through.
8. Portion into bowls, top with remaining sauce. Enjoy!
材料 (4份):
2 杯有機豆腐 (超硬), 切塊
2 杯天貝, 切塊
4 杯荷蘭豆, 小胡蘿蔔和西蘭花的組合
1 杯藜麥或花椰菜米 (低碳水化合物選項)
1 杯水
1/4 杯低鈉照燒醬
1/2 茶匙薑末
1/2 茶匙大蒜, 切碎
1 大匙麻油
1. 將烤箱預熱至 400°F。
2.豆腐瀝乾水分, 切塊。把豆豉也切成方塊。
3. 烤豆腐豆豉:將豆腐和豆豉放入9×13的盤子中,淋上1低鈉照燒醬, 麻油, 切碎的蒜頭, 和薑蓉拌勻。烘烤 20-25 分鐘。將烤箱溫度降至 350°F。
4. 依照包裝說明煮藜麥或米 (20-40 分鐘, 視品種而定)。
6. 在烤盤中, 將豆腐和天貝移到一邊, 加入藜麥或椰菜花飯, 蔬菜和大部分剩餘的醬汁。攪拌混合。
7. 可選擇在 350°F下烘烤 10-15 分鐘以熱透。
8. 盛入碗中,淋上剩餘的醬汁。享受!
Your Gut Health Plays a Crucial Role on Your Mental Health 你的腸道健康健康與你的心理健康息息相關

When you finally catch the person who sabotaged your diet

10 Ways to ⬇️HbA1c in 3 Months – 在三個月內⬇️HbA1c

Vegetarian Kimchi Fried Rice 素食泡菜炒飯
Ingredients (4 servings):
Fried Rice:
2.5 tbs avocado oil
1 cup yellow onions, diced
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tbs minced ginger
1 cup kimchi
2 cups brown rice
2 cup cauliflower rice
2 carrots, shredded
1 tbs sesame oil
2 scallions, sliced (separate the dark green parts from the light green and white parts)
black sesame seeds for topping
Fried Eggs:
1 tbs avocado oil, add more if necessary
4 large organic eggs
1. In a wok or a large sauté pan, heat 1 1/2 tbs of avocado oil over medium-high to high heat.
2. Add the onions and cook until they start to turn translucent, about 2 to 3 minutes. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for 30 seconds to 1 minute, until they start to become fragrant. Add the kimchi and stir until heated through, about a minute. Add the rice, carrots and the light green and white parts of the scallions to the wok. Stir to combine everything.
3. Add the sesame oil, and stir until all the rice has been well coated with all the sauces.
4. Add the dark green parts of the scallion and stir everything again. Remove rice from heat.
5. In a separate pan, heat 1 tbs of avocado oil and fry up the 4 eggs.
6. Serve the rice with the fried eggs. Sprinkle some black sesame seeds on top.
材料 (4份):
2.5 大匙酪梨油
1 杯黃洋蔥, 切丁
3 瓣大蒜, 切碎
1 大匙薑末
1 杯泡菜
2 杯糙米
2 杯花椰菜米
2 根胡蘿蔔, 切絲
1 茶匙芝麻油
2 根蔥, 切片 (將深綠色部分與淺綠色和白色部分分開)
1 湯匙酪梨油
4 顆大有機雞蛋
1. 在炒鍋或大炒鍋中, 以中火至高溫加熱 1.5 湯匙酪梨油。
2. 加入洋蔥, 煮約 2 至 3 分鐘, 直到洋蔥開始變成半透明。加入大蒜和薑, 煮 30 秒到 1 分鐘, 直到開始散發香味。加入泡菜, 攪拌至加熱, 約一分鐘。將米, 胡蘿蔔和蔥的淺綠色和白色部分加入鍋中。攪拌以混合所有東西。
3.加入香油, 攪拌至所有的米飯都沾上所有的醬汁。
4.加入蔥的深綠色部分, 再次攪拌。將米飯從火上移開。
5. 在另一個平底鍋中, 加熱 1 湯匙酪梨油, 煎 4 顆雞蛋。
6. 將米和煎蛋一起上桌。上面撒上一些黑芝麻。