No results? Keep working. Bad results? Keep working. Good results? Keep working.
Progress isn’t always immediate, and setbacks are just stepping stones toward success. Whether you’re struggling, learning, or thriving, the key is to stay consistent and keep showing up for yourself.
Every effort you make today builds the foundation for the results you’ll see tomorrow. Don’t let doubt slow you down—keep working, and you’ll be amazed at what persistence can achieve!
If you want to maintain good results in optimizing your health, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
沒有結果?繼續工作。結果不好?繼續工作。結果不好?繼續努力。取得好成果?繼續工作。進步並不總是立竿見影的, 挫折只是成功的墊腳石。無論你是在掙扎在學習還是在進步, 關鍵是保持一致並不斷展現自己。
您今天的努力都會為您明天看到的結果奠定基礎。不要讓懷疑讓你放慢腳步-繼續努力, 你會驚訝於堅持所能取得的成就!
如果您想在優化健康方面取得良好的效果, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。
The BiomeFX Stool Test

What’s your favorite winter activity?
The temperatures are dropping, and winter is in the air! The season’s magic is here, bringing all those cozy traditions and frosty adventures you’ve been waiting for.
What’s your favorite winter activity you can’t wait to enjoy?
Exercises for Lowering Blood Sugar (5 種降低血糖的活動
If you’re looking for a powerful, natural way to improve your blood sugar and feel more energized, you’re in the right place. Exercise is your secret weapon! It helps lower blood sugar, boosts insulin sensitivity, and keeps you feeling strong and vibrant. Here are 5 proven exercises to get you started on your journey to better health:
1️⃣ Walking
2️⃣ Strength Training
3️⃣ Yoga & Pilates
4️⃣ Swimming
5️⃣ Dancing
Your health starts with a single step. Which one will you try first?
如果您正在尋找一種有效、自然的方法來改善血糖並感覺更加精力充沛,那麼您來對地方了。運動是你的秘密武器!它有助於降低血糖, 提高胰島素敏感性, 讓您感覺強壯和充滿活力。以下有 5 個經過驗證的練習, 可幫助您開始邁向更健康的旅程:
1️⃣ 走路
2️⃣ 肌力訓練
3️⃣ 瑜珈與普拉提
4️⃣ 游泳
5️⃣ 跳舞
Taco Salad in Jar 玻璃瓶玉米沙拉
Ingredients (4 servings):
1 tbs. avocado oil
¾ cup red onion, finely diced
1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
½ cup vegan cheese
Taco Seasoning Mix:
2 tbs. cumin
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper
Mason Jar Taco Salads:
¼ cup mild salsa
1 cup whole kernel corn, rinsed and drained
1 cup tomatoes, finely diced
1 large avocado, cut into ½-inch cubes
4 cups mixed greens
20 corn tortilla chips, crushed
1. In a large skillet over medium heat, add avocado oil and chopped red onion.
2. Sauté for 3-4 minutes or until almost cooked through.
3. Put onions to the side and add pre-cooked black beans, stir occasionally.
4. While the beans are cooking, mix together cumin, paprika, chili powder, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper in a small bowl.
5. Once the beans are heated through, turn off the heat and add the seasoning ingredients. Mix to combine.
6. In four 24-oz. wide-mouth mason jars, add equal amounts of the salsa, black bean mixture, corn, beans, tomatoes, and cheese. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
7. The morning before serving, add ¼ of the avocado, 1 cup of mixed greens, and crushed corn tortilla chips.
8. Shake mason jar well before pouring contents into a large salad bowl to enjoy.
材料 (4份):
1 湯匙酪梨油
1 杯紅洋蔥, 切細丁
1 杯黑豆, 沖洗並瀝乾
½ 杯純素乳酪
2 湯匙小茴香
2 茶匙辣椒
1 茶匙鹽
½ 茶匙胡椒
¼ 杯微辣番茄醬
1 杯整顆玉米, 沖洗並瀝乾
1 杯西紅柿, 切丁
1 顆大酪梨, 切成 ½ 英吋的方塊
4 杯混合綠葉菜
20 個玉米餅片, 壓碎
1. 在大煎鍋中以中火加入酪梨油和切碎的紅洋蔥。
2. 炒3-4分鐘或直至幾乎熟透。
3. 將洋蔥推到一邊, 加入預先煮好的黑豆, 攪拌一下
4. 煮豆子時, 將小茴香, 辣椒粉, 鹽, 胡椒粉放入小碗中混合。
5. 豆子熱透後, 關火加入調味料。全部混合一下。
6. 在四個 24 盎司闊口玻璃瓶中, 加入等量的微辣蕃茄醬, 黑豆混合, 玉米, 豆類, 番茄和起司。在冰箱中最多可保存 5 天。
7. 食用前的早上, 加入 1/4 酪梨, 1 杯蔬菜和碎玉米餅片。
8. 將玻璃瓶搖勻, 然後將內容物倒入大沙拉碗中享用。
Legacy Tribe Meetup Takeaways

4 Easy Pilates Moves to Get Started 4個簡單的普拉提動作
Ready to build strength, improve flexibility, and feel amazing? Try these 4 simple Pilates moves today:
1️⃣ Pelvic Curl
2️⃣ Roll-Up
3️⃣ Side Lifts
4️⃣ Roll Like a Ball
No fancy equipment needed—just you, a mat, and a commitment to yourself! Start small, focus on your breath, and enjoy the journey.
Which move will you try first?
準備好增強力量, 提高靈活性並享受美妙的感覺嗎?立即嘗試以下 4 個簡單的普拉提動作:
不需要花俏的設備——只需要你, 一張墊子和對自己的承諾!從小事做起, 專注於呼吸, 享受旅程。
4 Tips to Optimize Gut Health with These Tips 四個化腸道健康的小貼士
Your gut plays a crucial role in your overall health, influencing everything from digestion to immunity, and even your mood! Taking care of your gut can lead to improved energy, better digestion, and enhanced well-being. Stay tuned for simple, actionable steps you can take to optimize your gut health and feel your best every day.
Question of the Day 今日問題- How many steps do you get daily? 您每天走多少步?
Whether you’re running errands, walking the dog, or taking the scenic route to work, every step counts toward your health! 🏞️ But are you hitting the recommended 10,000 steps per day? 🤔
If you’re not there yet, start with small, achievable goals – maybe add an extra walk after lunch, park a little farther, or take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every step is a win in the journey to a healthier you. 💪🌿
無論您是在辦事, 遛狗還是沿著風景優美的路線上班, 每一步都對您的健康至關重要! 🏞️ 但是您是否達到了建議的每天 10,000 步? 🤔
如果您還沒有做到這一點, 可以從小的, 可實現的目標開始——也許在午餐後增加額外的步行, 停車停遠一點, 或者走樓梯而不是乘電梯。每一步都是通往更健康之旅的勝利。 💪🌿
Sesame Peanut Soba Noodle Salad (毛豆蕎麥麵沙拉)
Don’t wait until January to start your journey to a healthier you! Sign up now and get 1 month of coaching FREE for the month of December 2024 – up to $900 in savings.
The sooner you sign up, the sooner you can start, so act fast! This offer is only available for a LIMITED TIME.
Claim your free month today! DM us the word READY or fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
Don’t wait until January to start your journey to a healthier you! Sign up now and get 1 month of coaching FREE for the month of December 2024 – up to $900 in savings. The sooner you sign up, the sooner you can start, so act fast! This offer is only available for a LIMITED TIME. Claim your free month today! Fill out the application to schedule a FREE discovery call.
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing you a joyful day filled with love, laughter, and gratitude. Take time to celebrate with your family and friends, savor the delicious food, and share all the wonderful things you’re thankful for. 🦃💛
10 Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season (健康過節的 10 個秘訣)
The holiday season is here—time for joy, celebration, and all the delicious treats! 🎄✨ But guess what? You can savor the festivities and stay on track with your health. Here’s a fun and simple guide to help you enjoy it all without compromise. Let’s dive in! 🎉🍎
節慶季節到了——歡樂, 慶祝和所有美味佳餚的時刻! 🎄✨ 您知道怎樣可以享受節日氣氛並保持健康嗎? 以下是一個有趣而簡單的指南, 可幫助您毫不妥協地享受這一切。讓參考以下內容! 🎉🍎
6 Healthy Vegan Recipe Ideas for Thanksgiving Day (感恩節的 6 個健康素食食譜創意)
Choose Wisely Today!

Nutrition Meme
As a diabetic, you actually don’t have to say goodbye to pizza! 😂
Why I became a Dietitian (為什麼我成為一個營養師)
Foods to Eat Less to Reduce Cholesterol (想降低膽固醇應少吃的食物)