
Every week we post new inspirational and informative content on nutrition and fitness. 

Join us on our FREE Mindful Nutrition Masterclass 😊

Are you ready to rethink your relationship with food and create lasting change in your health journey? Join me for a FREE Mindful Nutrition Masterclass on Saturday, September 28th at 10am PST, co-hosted with Holly Joy McCabe, expert in Somatics, Psychology, & Neuroscience.
In this exclusive session, we’ll dive beyond the “what” of eating and deep into the “why” and “how.” 🧠✨ Discover the root causes behind your health challenges and learn how to make mindful, lasting changes in your wellness journey.
If you’ve been struggling with your relationship with food or just want a fresh approach to health, this webinar is for you, 🥗🌟 don’t miss out on this opportunity to connect with a community of individuals ready for growth and transformation.
Start your journey to a healthier, happier you! 💪
Let’s do this together! 💚

Motivation Monday 週一動力 Set a goal. Make a plan. Do the work.

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will change your life? It begins with a powerful decision and a commitment to yourself. Here’s how to make it happen:

1️⃣ Set a Goal: Visualize your ideal health. What do you want to achieve? 🌟

2️⃣ Make a Plan: Break your goal into actionable steps. Plan your meals, workouts, and self-care. 🗺️

3️⃣ Do the Work: Take daily steps towards your goal. Embrace challenges and celebrate progress. 💪

Your journey to better health starts now. 🌿❤️

Let’s make it happen together! Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.

您準備好踏上一段將改變您人生的旅程了嗎? 首先要有一個強而有力的決定和對自己的承諾。以下是如何實現這一目標:

1️⃣ 設定目標:想像您理想的健康狀況。你想實現什麼目標? 🌟

2️⃣ 制定計劃:將您的目標分為可行的步驟。規劃您的飲食, 運動, 減壓和自我照顧。 🗺️

3️⃣ 立即行動:每天採取步驟來實現您的目標。迎接挑戰並慶祝進步。 💪

您的健康之旅現在就開始了。 🌿❤️


3 Life-threatening Diabetes Complications that can be Prevented – 3 個危及生命卻可以預防的糖尿病併發症

Living with diabetes can present numerous challenges, but understanding potential complications and taking preventive measures can significantly improve quality of life. Here are some life threatening complications that can be prevented:
1. Diabetic Ketoacidosis
2. Heart Disease, Heart Attacks or Strokes
3. Kidney Failure
If you need help avoiding these complications, please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
患有糖尿病可能會帶來許多挑戰, 但了解潛在的併發症並採取預防措施可以顯著提高生活品質。以下是一些需要預防的危及生命的併發症:
1. 糖尿病酮症酸中毒
2. 心臟病, 心臟病發作或中風
3. 腎衰竭
如果您需要幫助避免這些併發症, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

My 1st Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Experience 高壓氧氣治療初體驗

I visited Dr. Joseph Khankhanian at SoCal Brain and Spine Center and gave HBOT a try. The results? I felt refreshed and less mentally drained even after a long time of back-to-back meetings! 🧠✨
Curious about how HBOT can benefit YOU? 🌬️ It’s time to experience the difference yourself! Schedule your dive today and give your brain the boost it deserves!
Take the first step to better brain health NOW! 💪
我拜訪了南加州大腦和脊椎中心的 Joseph Khankhanian 博士, 並嘗試了 HBOT。結果? 經過一整天的連續會議後, 我通常都會累得頭昏腦脹, 但做完高壓氧氣治療當天, 精神疲憊減輕了! 🧠✨
想知道 HBOT 能為您帶來什麼好處嗎? 🌬️是時候親自體驗一下!今天就安排您的潛水, 讓您的大腦得到應得的提升!
現在就踏出改善大腦健康的第一步! 💪
Dr. Joseph Khankhanian
📍 1141 N Brand #304, Glendale, CA 91202

Powerful Takeaways from BK Live that can Transform Your Life – 從企業家領袖會議的最大收穫

Here are my takeaways from an incredible weekend at Bedros Keuilian’s live event in Scottsdale, AZ:
1) Leading others starts with leading yourself, especially your Faith, Family, Fitness, and Finance.
2) We all need Kill, Skill, and Chill time.
3) Figure out the Why and the What, then the How will come
4) Life is not about you. You need to be about life.
5) Become the person you love, admire, and aspire to be.
6) When it comes to financial success, focus on the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Increase in income)
7) Be obsessed with your Customers, not your Competition.
8) Stand for Something and Strive for Excellence in everything you do.
9) Do creative work that matters and promotes change.
10) Be willing to change: your environment, your peer group, and your daily habits.
11) Focus on the 20% that gives you the greatest return, cut away everything that doesn’t serve your goals.
12) Acquire an attitude of Abundance not Scarcity
13) Being stuck is ok, but not moving forward is not.
14) We all sucked in the past, just keep Showing Up.
These aren’t just lessons—they’re a call to action to elevate every area of life.
Being surrounded by Legacy Tribe members was beyond powerful—entrepreneurs on fire, lifting each other up and pushing each other to level up.
以下是我在Scottsdale, AZ 舉行的 Bedros Keuilian 企業家領袖會議的收穫:
1) 領導別人首先要領導自己, 尤其是你的信仰, 家庭, 健康和財務。
2) 我們都需要埋頭幹活, 增進技能和充分休息。
3) 弄清楚”為什麼”和”做什麼”, “如何”就會出現。
4) 生活不只是在乎你, 你要在乎生活。
5) 成為你所愛, 欽佩和渴望成為的人。
6) 談到財務成功, 一定要專注 DEI (多元化, 淨值和增加收入)
7) 專注於您的客戶, 而不是您的競爭。
😎 堅持某些事, 並在所做的一切事情上力求卓越。
9) 做一些有創意並促進變革的重要工作。
10) 願意改變: 你的環境, 你身邊的朋友和你的日常習慣。
11) 專注於能帶給你最大回報的20%, 剔除一切不利於你目標的東西。
12) 建立豐富而非貧乏的態度。
13) 被卡住是可以的, 但不前進是不行的。
14) 我們每人曾經都失敗過, 只是繼續奮鬥。
這些不僅是教訓, 也是提高生活各個領域的行動呼籲。
跟Legacy Tribe的學員一起學習——企業家們熱情高漲, 互相鼓勵, 互相推動, 一起進步。

Rainbow Tofu Stir Fried Noodles 五彩雜菜豆腐炒麵

Ingredients (4 servings):
2 tbs sesame oil, divided
1.5 cups organic tofu (extra firm), cut into dominoes
1 tbs ginger, minced
2–3 large garlic cloves, minced
4 cups cabbage, finely shredded
1 red bell pepper, julienned
1 cup carrots, cut into matchsticks
4 scallions, sliced (reserve one scallion for garnish)
2–4 tbs low sodium tamari sauce
1–2 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs water
salt + pepper, to taste
sesame seeds, to garnish
scallions, thinly sliced
soba or konjac noodles (low carb option)
pinch of red pepper flakes, optional
1. Cut the tofu into dominoes and press between paper towels or dish cloth. Heat 1 tbs of oil in a pan, add tofu and cook for 5 – 8 minutes on each side, until lightly golden in color. Season with salt and garlic. Transfer tofu to a small plate.
2. Heat a 14 inch wok or large skillet over medium- high heat, add 1 remaining tablespoon of sesame oil, add garlic, ginger and cook for 1 minute. Add cabbage, red bell pepper, carrots, scallions, tamari sauce, lemon juice and water, stir fry for 5 – 7 minutes, or until cabbage wilts and veggies soften.
3. Add the tofu to the stir fry 2 minutes before done to warm through. Taste for seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste.
4. Serve with cooked noodles of choice and garnish with sesame seeds and scallions.
材料 (4份):
2 大匙芝麻油, 分開
1.5 杯有機豆腐 (特硬), 切成骨牌
1 大匙薑, 切碎
2–3 個大蒜瓣, 切碎
4 杯高麗菜, 切碎
1 個紅甜椒, 切絲
1 杯胡蘿蔔, 切絲
4 根蔥, 切片 (保留一棵蔥用於裝飾)
2–4 大匙低鈉醬油
1–2 大匙檸檬汁
2 大匙水
鹽+胡椒粉, 適量
芝麻, 裝飾
蔥, 切成薄片
少許紅辣椒片, 可選
1. 將豆腐切成骨牌大小, 然後用紙巾或洗碗布壓緊。在鍋中加熱 1 湯匙油, 加入豆腐, 每面煎 5 至 8 分鐘, 直到顏色呈現淺金黃色。用鹽和大蒜調味。將豆腐轉移到小盤子裡。
2. 以中高火加熱 14 吋炒鍋或大煎鍋, 加入剩餘的 1 湯匙芝麻油, 加入大蒜, 薑, 煮 1 分鐘。加入高麗菜, 紅甜椒, 胡蘿蔔, 蔥, 醬油, 檸檬汁和水, 炒 5 至 7 分鐘, 或直到高麗菜和蔬菜變軟。
3. 出鍋前加入豆腐翻炒2分鐘, 使其熱透。嚐嚐調味, 加入鹽和胡椒調味。
4. 加入您選擇的麵條一起食用, 並飾以芝麻和蔥。

Bedros Keuilian Live Event 2024

We had a blast at the mind-blowing Bedros Keuilian Live event in Scottsdale, AZ this past weekend. Thanks for all the amazing speakers! Last year’s BK live event inspired me to “flip the switch”: I quit my 9-5 job and focused on my online nutrition & fitness coaching business! At that time I also joined Bedros’ Legacy Tribe, which gave me so much value. The amazing coaches guided me through each step of the way as I grew my business. The Legacy Tribe is an amazing group coaching program for entrepreneurs who want to level up. If you are interested, I am more than happy to tell you more about it. It was so wonderful to see many Legacy Tribe members in person this weekend. Also, thanks Naria for taking me out for sushi for my bday. It was also very nice to enjoy the lazy river at the hotel after the conference and visit the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix before we headed back home.

10 Takeaways from the Microbiome Labs Conference 微生物組會議的 10 個 重點

The gut is truly the gateway to better health! Here are some powerful insights I learned at the Microbiome Labs conference:
1. Test, don’t guess (everyone should do a gut microbiome test)
2. Dysbiosis (imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut) is one of the major root causes of many diseases
3. Human has a gut of an herbivore, carnivore has a much shorter gut so that the rotten animal won’t stay in their gut for too long, so eat more plant based.
4. Cutting calorie drastically during weight loss can lower your Basal Metabolic Rate (metabolism), focus on balancing your gut microbiome and do strength training instead.
5. It is important to start optimizing vaginal and gut microbiome prenatally because it affects the development of the baby
6. Vaginal microbiome is essential for your sex life
7. What we have this country is NOT Healthcare but Sickcare. We should be proactive vs reactive and focus on preventive care.
8. Human has only 22,000 genes, while our gut bacteria has 260 million genes. We rely on the gut bacteria to do a lot of functions that our own human gene cannot do.
9. Our digestive system without the microbes is just a blender, it is our gut microbiome that breaks the food down.
10. If you don’t feed your gut bacteria with fiber, your gut bacteria will eat YOU (specially your gut lining)
Invest in your gut health for a healthier, happier you! 🧬
1. 測試, 不要猜測 (每個人都應該做腸道微生物組測試)
2. 腸道生態失調 (腸道內好菌和壞菌失衡) 是許多疾病的主要原因之一
3. 人類的腸道和草食動物的腸道一樣, 肉食動物的腸道較短, 這樣腐爛的動物不會在腸道內停留太久, 所以我們應該要多吃植物性食物。
4. 減重期間大幅減少卡路里攝取會導致基礎代謝率下降,專注於平衡腸道微生物組並進行肌力訓練才是重點。
5. 在產前開始優化陰道和腸道微生物組很重要, 因為這會影響嬰兒的發育
6. 陰道微生物群對性生活至關重要
7. 我們這個國家擁有的不是醫療保健, 而是疾病保健 通常等到有病才去看醫生。我們應該主動地預防而不是被動地反應。
8. 人類只有22,000個基因, 而我們的腸道細菌有2.6億個基因。我們依靠腸道細菌來完成許多我們人類基因無法完成的功能。
9. 沒有微生物的消化系統只是一個攪拌機, 分解食物的其實主要是我們的腸道微生物組。
10. 如果你不給腸道細菌餵食纖維, 你的腸道細菌就會吃掉你 (尤其是指你的腸道內壁)
投資您的腸道健康,讓您更健康, 更快樂! 🧬

How can the Elderly Prevent Muscle Loss 老年人如何預防肌肉流失

As we age, we lose our mobility and muscle mass if we don’t make an effort to maintain them.
The MRI images of the thigh showed that the older triathlete’s leg had nearly as much muscle as the younger triathlete’s. This shows how regular exercise, such as running and strength training, can help maintain and rebuild muscle strength as we age.
Also, eating a balanced diet with lean animal or plant-based proteins is key to preventing muscle loss as we age, supporting overall strength and mobility.
If you need help in maintaining your muscle strength, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
隨著年齡的增長, 如果我們不努力保持關節一活動能力和肌肉質量, 我們就會失去它們。
磁力共振的大腿圖像顯示, 年長的三項鐵人運動員的腿部肌肉幾乎與年輕的三項鐵人運動員的腿部一樣多。這表明定期運動 (例如跑步和力量訓練) 有助於隨著年齡的增長也能保持和重建肌肉力量。此外, 均衡飲食, 含有瘦肉動物或植物性蛋白質是防止隨著年齡增長而肌肉流失, 支持整體力量和活動能力的關鍵。
如果您需要幫助維持肌肉力量, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

What should diabetics know about carbohydrates 糖尿病人對於碳水該注意些什麼呢?

Understanding the Glycemic Index (GI) of carbohydrates is crucial for managing your sugar effectively. The GI measures how quickly a carbohydrate-containing food raises your blood sugar levels. Choosing foods with a low or moderate GI can help control your blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of complications associated with diabetes.
If you need help improving your blood sugar and overall health by having the right carbs in your meal, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
了解碳水化合物的血糖指數 (GI) 對於有效管理血糖至關重要。GI 測量含碳水的食物升高血糖值的速度。選擇低或中等 GI 的食物有助於控制血糖水平, 降低糖尿病相關併發症的風險。
如果您需要幫助透過在飲食中添加正確的碳水來更好地控制血糖和整體健康, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

Roasted Garlic Miso Soup with Greens 烤大蒜甘藍菜味噌湯

Ingredients (4 servings):
2 heads of garlic
2 tbs sesame oil
6 cups organic vegetable broth
3 to 4 tbs organic miso paste
2 cups organic tofu, super firm
4 cups kale, chopped
Scallion, thinly sliced
Salt & cayenne pepper as garnish, to taste
Squeeze of lemon (optional)
1. Preheat the oven to 400°F.
2. Roast garlic: Peel off most of the outer layers from garlic bulbs, leaving the inner layers intact. Cut off the tops of the bulbs. Place them cut side up on a large piece of tin foil. Drizzle 1 tbs of sesame oil over each bulb. Wrap the foil around the garlic, sealing it tightly. Bake for 45-50 minutes. Allow the garlic to cool for 10 minutes before handling.
3. Prepare miso soup: Squeeze the roasted garlic into a large pot and mash it slightly with a wooden spoon. Add the liquid ingredients and heat over medium-low. Stir in the miso paste until well incorporated. Add the greens and tofu and cook until they are wilted and deep green, about 5-10 minutes.
4. Serve the soup with slices of lemon (optional), chopped scallions, and a pinch of salt and cayenne pepper for added flavor.
材料 (4份):
2 頭大蒜
2 大匙芝麻油
6 杯有機蔬菜湯
3 到 4大匙有機味噌醬
2杯有機豆腐, 超硬
4 杯羽衣甘藍, 切碎
蔥, 切成薄片
鹽和辣椒作為裝飾, 調味
1. 將烤箱預熱至 400°F。
2. 烤大蒜: 剝蒜頭大部分的外層, 保留內層完好, 切掉蒜頭的頂部。將它們切面朝上放在一大塊錫箔上。在每個蒜頭上淋上一湯匙芝麻油。將箔紙包裹在大蒜上, 並將其密封。烘烤 45-50 分鐘。處理前讓大蒜冷卻 10 分鐘。
3. 準備味噌湯: 將烤好的大蒜擠入大鍋中, 用木匙稍微搗碎。加入液體部分並以中低火加熱。加入味噌醬攪拌至充分混合。加入蔬菜和豆腐, 煮大約 5-10 分鐘, 直到它們枯萎並呈現深綠色。
4. 與檸檬片 (可選), 切碎的蔥, 少許鹽和辣椒一起上湯, 以增加風味。

Microbiome Labs Conference 腸道微生物會議

We attended our first Microbiome Labs Conference this past weekend in Monterey, CA. I learned that the key to having a healthy gut microbiome is critical for your mental health, immune system, the healing of food sensitivities/allergies, the health of the baby during prenatal/postpartum, our hormones, weight management, cardio and metabolic health. Since the imbalanced gut bacteria (dysbiosis) is one the major root causes of most diseases, we should definitely address it as we work with our clients. The biomefx microbiome stool test is such a great tool that can give us so much insight regarding our client’s situation, so that we can better guide and support our clients. Was really inspired by all the wonderful speakers and got a signed copy of two best selling books, Super Gut by Dr William Davis and The Hormone Fix by Dr Anna Cabeca. Looking forward to applying all the new knowledge/tools I learned in my practice. We were also able to visit 17-mile drive during sunset. Hung out and network with other cool functional/integrative dietitian friends, and had early bday celebration with bff Charmine and her bf Jackie.
上週末我們參加了在 Monterey 舉行的腸道微生物會議。我了解到, 擁有健康的腸道微生物組對於您的心理健康, 免疫系統, 治療食物敏感/過敏, 產前/產後嬰兒的健康, 荷爾蒙, 體重管理, 心臟和代謝健康至關重要。由於腸道細菌失衡(Dysbiosis) 是大多數疾病的根本原因, 因此我們在與客戶合作時絕對應該解決這個問題, 以便我們可以更準確地指導和支持我們的客戶。受到所有精彩演講者的啟發, 並獲得了兩本暢銷書的簽名版: 威廉戴維斯博士的《超級腸道》和安娜卡貝卡博士的《激素修復》。期待應用我在這次會議中學到的所有新知識/工具。我們還可以在日落時參觀 17 mile drive。與其他很酷的功能/綜合營養師朋友一起出去玩, 並與最好的朋友 Charmine 和她的男朋友 Jackie 一起提前慶祝我的生日。

Train Hard, Recover Hard!

Had my workout and recovery routine at the gym! I started with a warm-up. Then, I moved on to some strength training. After pushing hard, I treated myself to a relaxing Zero Gravity Chair Recovery session to unwind and let my muscles recover. Feeling energized and ready to take on the rest of the day!
在健身房進行鍛鍊和恢復!開始之前先熱身。然後, 我做 一些肌力訓練。奮力拼搏後, 我坐在零重力按摩椅上, 以放鬆身心並讓我的肌肉恢復。之後, 準備好迎接這一天剩下的時間!

3 Blood Sugar Hacks that Actually Work 3 個有效控制血糖的小技巧

Managing blood sugar levels can be a challenge, but with the right strategies, you can keep them in check and enjoy a healthier life. Here are three simple yet powerful hacks that can make a real difference.
1. Walking After Meals 🚶
2. Eat Foods in a Certain Order 🍽️
3. Drink Chia Seed Water 💧
If you need help controlling blood sugar, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
管理血糖水平可能是一項挑戰, 但透過正確的策略, 您可以控制血糖並享受更健康的生活。這裡有三個簡單但有效的技巧, 可以帶來真正的改變。
1. 吃飯後去散步 🚶
2. 按特定順序吃食物 🍽️
3. 喝奇亞籽泡水 💧
如果您需要協助控制血糖, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

6 Tips to Improve Gut Health 改善腸道健康的 6 個秘訣

Ready to transform your gut health and feel your best? Follow these steps:
1. Develop Healthy Eating habits
2. Eat more Probiotic rich Foods
3. Eat more Prebiotic rich Foods
4. Reduce Stress
5. Spend time in nature
6. Sleep 7+ Hours Nightly
A thriving gut microbiome supports digestion, strengthens immunity, and enhances overall well-being.
Need help? Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
1. 建立健康飲食習慣
2. 多吃益生菌食物
3. 多吃益生元纖維食物
4. 減輕壓力
5. 多接觸大自然
6. 每晚睡眠7小時以上
健康的腸道微生物群可支持消化, 增強免疫力並改善整體健康。
如果需要幫助, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

Mediterranean Shaved Asparagus Salad 地中海蘆筍沙拉

Crisp, fresh, and full of flavor, this vegan Mediterranean-inspired dish is perfect for any occasion.
Ingredients (makes 10 cups):
4 cups asparagus, trimmed
3–4 oranges
3 cups baby arugula
1.5 cups white (Cannellini) beans
¼ cup olives, quartered
1 tbs lime juice
1 tbs organic tahini
1 tsp organic Dijon mustard
¼ tsp ground black pepper
1.5 cup organic corn
Salt, to taste
1. Cut the asparagus lengthwise into paper-thin ribbons using a vegetable peeler. Reserve the remaining thicker portions for another use.
2. Peel and section 2 oranges. Combine the asparagus ribbons, orange sections, baby arugula, beans, corn, and olives in an extra-large bowl.
3. Grate 1 tsp of zest and squeeze ½ cup of juice from the remaining oranges. Whisk the orange zest and lime juice, organic tahini, organic Dijon mustard, and ground black pepper in a small bowl. Season with salt and drizzle over arugula mixture; toss to coat.
材料 (10杯份量):
4 杯蘆筍
3 杯芝麻菜
1.5 杯白豆
¼ 杯橄欖, 切成四等份
1 大匙青檸汁
1 大匙有機芝麻醬
¼ 茶匙黑胡椒粉
1.5 杯有機玉米
鹽, 適量
1. 用蔬菜削皮器將蘆筍縱向切成紙一樣薄的絲帶。保留剩餘較厚的部分以供其他用途。
2. 2個柳橙去皮切塊。將蘆筍絲, 柳橙片, 小芝麻菜, 白豆, 玉米和橄欖放入超大碗中。
3. 磨碎 1 茶匙橙皮碎, 然後從剩餘的柳橙中榨出 ½ 杯果汁。在小碗中攪拌橙皮碎, 青檸汁, 有機芝麻醬, 有機第戎芥末和黑胡椒粉。加鹽調味, 淋在芝麻菜沙拉上。

Hike to the Heart Rock- Happy Labor Day 勞動節快樂

We had an incredible hike to Heart Rock this weekend! 🥾❤️ I walked through the forest surrounded by nature’s beauty. The fresh air, the scent of wood, and the soothing sounds of the stream were like a natural reset for my body and mind. 🌿

Did you know that spending time in nature can actually improve our gut health? The natural environment introduces us new microbiota, which in turn supports a healthier gut.

This Labor Day, we’re reminded how important it is to take time for ourselves and enjoy the beauty around us. If you’re feeling a little stressed or out of balance, step outside and let nature work its magic. Your gut will thank you! 💚🍃

這個週末我們爬山去找愛心石! 🥾❤️我穿過被大自然美景包圍的森林。 新鮮的空氣, 木頭的香味和河流舒緩的聲音就像我的身心得到了自然的重置。 🌿

您是否知道花時間接觸大自然可以改善我們的腸道健康?自然環境為我們引入了新的微生物群, 從而支持更健康的腸道。

今年勞動節, 也想提醒大家要花時間享受自己並享受大自然 的美麗。如果您感到有點壓力或生活失去平衡, 請出去走走, 讓大自然發揮其魔力。你的腸胃也會感謝你! 💚🍃

How to Manage High Blood Pressure 如何管理高血壓


Managing high blood pressure can feel overwhelming, but you’ve got the strength to make a difference. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to serious complications like heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and vision loss. But with the right steps, you can take control of your health and reduce these risks.

Here’s how you can start:
1️⃣ Reduce sodium intake – Cutting back on salt can significantly lower your blood pressure.
2️⃣ Reduce stress – Find activities that help you relax, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.
3️⃣ Exercise – Regular physical activity can help keep your blood pressure in check.
4️⃣ Sleep – Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

If you need help managing high blood pressure, Fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.

控制高血壓可能會讓人感到不知所措, 但你有力量做出改變。不受控制的高血壓會導致嚴重的併發症,, 如心臟病, 中風, 腎臟疾病和視力喪失。但透過正確的步驟, 您可以掌控自己的健康並降低這些風險。

1️⃣ 減少鈉攝取量 – 減少鹽攝取量可顯著降低血壓。
2️⃣ 減輕壓力 – 尋找有助於放鬆的活動, 例如冥想或深呼吸練習。
3️⃣ 運動-定期進行身體活動可以幫助控制血壓。
4️⃣ 睡眠 – 獲得充足的優質睡眠對於維持健康的血壓水平至關重要。

如果您需要幫助控制高血壓, 請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。

Client Review in Yelp 客戶評論- Managed Diabetes and Lowered A1C (HbA1C)

*Client Review in Yelp 客戶評論*

Angela’s father had been struggling with diabetes, avoiding medical help and causing family tension. When they found me, who speaks Mandarin and shared my family history of diabetes and our journey to reverse it, connected with Angela’s parents. In just three months, I helped lower her father’s HbA1c (3 months avg) from 10.5 to 6.5. I also taught them how to enjoy their favorite foods in a healthier way and introduced diabetes-friendly recipes.

Now, health is a positive topic in their family. Angela’s father feels proud of managing his blood sugar, and her mom loves making diabetes-friendly desserts.

If you need help in reversing diabetes, DM us the word READY or fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.

Angela的父親一直在與糖尿病作鬥爭, 逃避醫療幫助, 導致家庭關係緊張。當他們找到我時, 我會說普通話並分享我的家族糖尿病病歷和我們一家怎樣幫我爸逆轉糖尿病, 並與 Angela 的父母取得聯繫, 在短短三個月內, 我幫助她父親的3月平均血糖指數從10.5降到了6.5。我還教他們如何以更健康的方式享受自己喜歡的食物, 並介紹了適合糖尿病的食譜。

現在, 健康已成為他們家庭的積極話題。Angela的父親為控制血糖感到自豪, 她的媽媽製作適合糖尿病患者的甜點。

如果您在逆轉糖尿病方面需要幫助, 請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。

4 Best Grains for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes – 4種逆轉二型糖尿病的最佳穀物

Managing and reversing type 2 diabetes can be greatly influenced by the foods you eat, and incorporating the right grains into your diet is a powerful step. It’s understandable that many people with diabetes are scared to eat grains or carbs because they believe all carbs are bad. However, not all carbs are created equal, and the key is choosing the right types and portions.
Here are some of the best grains to help you on your journey to better health:
1. Barley
2. Quinoa
3. Farro
4. Buckwheat
Including these whole grains in your diet can help manage and even reverse type 2 diabetes. Choose whole grains over refined carbs and maintain a balanced diet for the best results. 💪
您所吃的食物會對控制和逆轉 2 型糖尿病產生很大影響,而將合適的穀物納入您的飲食中是一個強有力的步驟。許多糖尿病患者害怕吃穀物或碳水, 這是可以理解的, 因為他們認為所有碳水都不好。然而, 並非所有碳水都是一樣的,關鍵在於選擇正確的類型和份量。
1. 薏米
2. 藜麥
3. 法羅
4. 蕎麥
在飲食中加入這些全穀物, 可以幫助控制甚至逆轉 2 型糖尿病。選擇全穀物而不是精製碳水, 並保持均衡飲食以獲得最佳效果。 💪