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Motivation Monday 週一動力 Set a goal. Make a plan. Do the work.
Are you ready to embark on a journey that will change your life? It begins with a powerful decision and a commitment to yourself. Here’s how to make it happen:
1️⃣ Set a Goal: Visualize your ideal health. What do you want to achieve? 🌟
2️⃣ Make a Plan: Break your goal into actionable steps. Plan your meals, workouts, and self-care. 🗺️
3️⃣ Do the Work: Take daily steps towards your goal. Embrace challenges and celebrate progress. 💪
Your journey to better health starts now. 🌿❤️
Let’s make it happen together! Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
您準備好踏上一段將改變您人生的旅程了嗎? 首先要有一個強而有力的決定和對自己的承諾。以下是如何實現這一目標:
1️⃣ 設定目標:想像您理想的健康狀況。你想實現什麼目標? 🌟
2️⃣ 制定計劃:將您的目標分為可行的步驟。規劃您的飲食, 運動, 減壓和自我照顧。 🗺️
3️⃣ 立即行動:每天採取步驟來實現您的目標。迎接挑戰並慶祝進步。 💪
您的健康之旅現在就開始了。 🌿❤️
3 Life-threatening Diabetes Complications that can be Prevented – 3 個危及生命卻可以預防的糖尿病併發症
My 1st Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) Experience 高壓氧氣治療初體驗

Powerful Takeaways from BK Live that can Transform Your Life – 從企業家領袖會議的最大收穫

Rainbow Tofu Stir Fried Noodles 五彩雜菜豆腐炒麵
Bedros Keuilian Live Event 2024
We had a blast at the mind-blowing Bedros Keuilian Live event in Scottsdale, AZ this past weekend. Thanks for all the amazing speakers! Last year’s BK live event inspired me to “flip the switch”: I quit my 9-5 job and focused on my online nutrition & fitness coaching business! At that time I also joined Bedros’ Legacy Tribe, which gave me so much value. The amazing coaches guided me through each step of the way as I grew my business. The Legacy Tribe is an amazing group coaching program for entrepreneurs who want to level up. If you are interested, I am more than happy to tell you more about it. It was so wonderful to see many Legacy Tribe members in person this weekend. Also, thanks Naria for taking me out for sushi for my bday. It was also very nice to enjoy the lazy river at the hotel after the conference and visit the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix before we headed back home.
10 Takeaways from the Microbiome Labs Conference 微生物組會議的 10 個 重點

How can the Elderly Prevent Muscle Loss 老年人如何預防肌肉流失
What should diabetics know about carbohydrates 糖尿病人對於碳水該注意些什麼呢?
Roasted Garlic Miso Soup with Greens 烤大蒜甘藍菜味噌湯
Microbiome Labs Conference 腸道微生物會議
Train Hard, Recover Hard!
3 Blood Sugar Hacks that Actually Work 3 個有效控制血糖的小技巧
6 Tips to Improve Gut Health 改善腸道健康的 6 個秘訣
Mediterranean Shaved Asparagus Salad 地中海蘆筍沙拉
Hike to the Heart Rock- Happy Labor Day 勞動節快樂
We had an incredible hike to Heart Rock this weekend! 🥾❤️ I walked through the forest surrounded by nature’s beauty. The fresh air, the scent of wood, and the soothing sounds of the stream were like a natural reset for my body and mind. 🌿
Did you know that spending time in nature can actually improve our gut health? The natural environment introduces us new microbiota, which in turn supports a healthier gut.
This Labor Day, we’re reminded how important it is to take time for ourselves and enjoy the beauty around us. If you’re feeling a little stressed or out of balance, step outside and let nature work its magic. Your gut will thank you! 💚🍃
這個週末我們爬山去找愛心石! 🥾❤️我穿過被大自然美景包圍的森林。 新鮮的空氣, 木頭的香味和河流舒緩的聲音就像我的身心得到了自然的重置。 🌿
您是否知道花時間接觸大自然可以改善我們的腸道健康?自然環境為我們引入了新的微生物群, 從而支持更健康的腸道。
今年勞動節, 也想提醒大家要花時間享受自己並享受大自然 的美麗。如果您感到有點壓力或生活失去平衡, 請出去走走, 讓大自然發揮其魔力。你的腸胃也會感謝你! 💚🍃
How to Manage High Blood Pressure 如何管理高血壓
Managing high blood pressure can feel overwhelming, but you’ve got the strength to make a difference. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to serious complications like heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and vision loss. But with the right steps, you can take control of your health and reduce these risks.
Here’s how you can start:
1️⃣ Reduce sodium intake – Cutting back on salt can significantly lower your blood pressure.
2️⃣ Reduce stress – Find activities that help you relax, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.
3️⃣ Exercise – Regular physical activity can help keep your blood pressure in check.
4️⃣ Sleep – Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
If you need help managing high blood pressure, Fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
控制高血壓可能會讓人感到不知所措, 但你有力量做出改變。不受控制的高血壓會導致嚴重的併發症,, 如心臟病, 中風, 腎臟疾病和視力喪失。但透過正確的步驟, 您可以掌控自己的健康並降低這些風險。
1️⃣ 減少鈉攝取量 – 減少鹽攝取量可顯著降低血壓。
2️⃣ 減輕壓力 – 尋找有助於放鬆的活動, 例如冥想或深呼吸練習。
3️⃣ 運動-定期進行身體活動可以幫助控制血壓。
4️⃣ 睡眠 – 獲得充足的優質睡眠對於維持健康的血壓水平至關重要。
如果您需要幫助控制高血壓, 請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。
Client Review in Yelp 客戶評論- Managed Diabetes and Lowered A1C (HbA1C)
*Client Review in Yelp 客戶評論*
Angela’s father had been struggling with diabetes, avoiding medical help and causing family tension. When they found me, who speaks Mandarin and shared my family history of diabetes and our journey to reverse it, connected with Angela’s parents. In just three months, I helped lower her father’s HbA1c (3 months avg) from 10.5 to 6.5. I also taught them how to enjoy their favorite foods in a healthier way and introduced diabetes-friendly recipes.
Now, health is a positive topic in their family. Angela’s father feels proud of managing his blood sugar, and her mom loves making diabetes-friendly desserts.
If you need help in reversing diabetes, DM us the word READY or fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
Angela的父親一直在與糖尿病作鬥爭, 逃避醫療幫助, 導致家庭關係緊張。當他們找到我時, 我會說普通話並分享我的家族糖尿病病歷和我們一家怎樣幫我爸逆轉糖尿病, 並與 Angela 的父母取得聯繫, 在短短三個月內, 我幫助她父親的3月平均血糖指數從10.5降到了6.5。我還教他們如何以更健康的方式享受自己喜歡的食物, 並介紹了適合糖尿病的食譜。
現在, 健康已成為他們家庭的積極話題。Angela的父親為控制血糖感到自豪, 她的媽媽製作適合糖尿病患者的甜點。
如果您在逆轉糖尿病方面需要幫助, 請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。
4 Best Grains for Reversing Type 2 Diabetes – 4種逆轉二型糖尿病的最佳穀物