Knowledge vs Reality

DIY Fruit Popsicle

Weight Management and Health Optimization
When some of my clients got discouraged when they go on their health journey, I always remind them that we measure our success by looking backward. Remember where you were at 3 months, 6 months, and 1 year ago, then you realized that you did make some good progress. While you might have specific goals in mind, it’s essential to recognize the progress you’ve already made. Weight management or health optimization is not a destination but a journey. Each mindful choice is a step toward A Healthier You.
How to Burn 800 Calories in 30 minutes?
Do you know how to burn 800 calories in 30 minutes? Try our ‘Pizza Burning Workout’: 5 min of getting the frozen pizza from the freezer into the oven and 25 minutes of sitting in front of the TV and forgetting about the pizza! LOL
A Healthier Business

A Healthier Business | Corporate Wellness Program

Kabocha Squash Miso Soup
Dive into the goodness of Kabocha Squash Miso Soup! Made with organic tofu, kelp seaweed, and some organic ingredients. This soup is not just tasty, but good for the health too, perfect for cold winter days. Packed with antioxidants and vitamins. It’s not picky either; add any veggies, and it’s still yummy!
Keep it simple, keep it healthy!
New Program Announcement!!!
Christmas Tree Charcuterie Board (Vegan)
Trimming the Tree with Taste🎄✨ A work of art that will please the palate as well as the eyes will elevate your festive spread. Featuring a variety of nuts, tofu, tempeh, berries, fruits, vegetables and a touch of festive spirit, this vegan charcuterie dish is guaranteed to upstage other appetizers at your party!
Healthy Travel Tips 健康旅遊小貼士

Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

Happy Fitness Friday

Quick and Easy Healthy Vegan Meal

Motivation Monday週一動力

Low Carb High Protein Recipe

Motivation Monday

Motivation Monday

Happy Funny Friday!!
Health & Wellness Expo for The Claremont College
Attended the Health & Wellness Expo for The Claremont College today. Thank God for a great turnout even though it was raining half the time. Was able to schedule a lot of FREE discovery calls with people and found a few collaboration opportunities. Looking forward to helping people take control of their health and supporting them on their health journey.

Quick & Easy No Cook Brunch Idea 快速簡單 & 無需烹飪的早午餐創意