Power outages can happen when we least expect them, but with a little preparation, you can keep your family safe, comfortable, and well-fed. Here’s a checklist of must-have items to ensure you’re ready for any emergency:
🔋 Power Station: https://amzn.to/3Cap3fT
☀️ Solar-Powered Lantern: https://amzn.to/40GU6cV
💦 Stainless Steel Gallon Water Jug: https://amzn.to/4fVktQG
💧 Water: Have at least 1 week’s supply of water per person (1 gallon/day). https://amzn.to/40dGJPF
🥖Carb: Whole grain bread, crackers, brown rice cakes, air popped popcorn, and individually packed chestnuts
🥫Proteins: Canned beans, tuna, salmon, and sardines
🥒 Veggies: Zucchini, yellow squash, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, and canned veggies
🍎 Fruits: Apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, kiwis, dried fruit, and fruit puree pouch etc.
🥜 Healthy snacks: Nuts & Seeds
With these essentials, you’ll be ready to face a power outage with more comfort. Stay prepared and safe!
停電可能在我們最意想不到的時候發生,但只要稍加準備, 就可以確保家人的安全, 舒適和吃飽喝好。以下是必備物品清單, 確保你已做好應對任何緊急情況的準備:
🔋 便攜式充電站:https://amzn.to/3Cap3fT
☀️ 太陽能燈籠:https://amzn.to/40GU6cV
💦 不鏽鋼加侖水壺:https://amzn.to/4fVktQG
💧 水: 每人至少準備一週的供水量(1 加侖/天)。 https://amzn.to/40dGJPF
蛋白質: 豆類, 蔬菜, 吞拿魚, 三文魚, 沙甸魚罐頭
🍎 水果: 蘋果, 香蕉, 葡萄, 柳橙, 奇異果, 乾果等。
🥒 蔬菜: 黃色和綠色意大利瓜, 小黃瓜, 車厘茄, 燈籠椒, 和罐頭蔬菜
🥜 健康小食: 堅果和種子