Ingredients (4 servings):
1 tbs. avocado oil
¾ cup red onion, finely diced
1 cup black beans, rinsed and drained
½ cup vegan cheese

Taco Seasoning Mix:
2 tbs. cumin
2 tsp. paprika
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. pepper

Mason Jar Taco Salads:
¼ cup mild salsa
1 cup whole kernel corn, rinsed and drained
1 cup tomatoes, finely diced
1 large avocado, cut into ½-inch cubes
4 cups mixed greens
20 corn tortilla chips, crushed

1. In a large skillet over medium heat, add avocado oil and chopped red onion.
2. Sauté for 3-4 minutes or until almost cooked through.
3. Put onions to the side and add pre-cooked black beans, stir occasionally.
4. While the beans are cooking, mix together cumin, paprika, chili powder, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper in a small bowl.
5. Once the beans are heated through, turn off the heat and add the seasoning ingredients. Mix to combine.
6. In four 24-oz. wide-mouth mason jars, add equal amounts of the salsa, black bean mixture, corn, beans, tomatoes, and cheese. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
7. The morning before serving, add ¼ of the avocado, 1 cup of mixed greens, and crushed corn tortilla chips.
8. Shake mason jar well before pouring contents into a large salad bowl to enjoy.

材料 (4份):
1 湯匙酪梨油
1 杯紅洋蔥, 切細丁
1 杯黑豆, 沖洗並瀝乾
½ 杯純素乳酪

2 湯匙小茴香
2 茶匙辣椒
1 茶匙鹽
½ 茶匙胡椒

¼ 杯微辣番茄醬
1 杯整顆玉米, 沖洗並瀝乾
1 杯西紅柿, 切丁
1 顆大酪梨, 切成 ½ 英吋的方塊
4 杯混合綠葉菜
20 個玉米餅片, 壓碎

1. 在大煎鍋中以中火加入酪梨油和切碎的紅洋蔥。
2. 炒3-4分鐘或直至幾乎熟透。
3. 將洋蔥推到一邊, 加入預先煮好的黑豆, 攪拌一下
4. 煮豆子時, 將小茴香, 辣椒粉, 鹽, 胡椒粉放入小碗中混合。
5. 豆子熱透後, 關火加入調味料。全部混合一下。
6. 在四個 24 盎司闊口玻璃瓶中, 加入等量的微辣蕃茄醬, 黑豆混合, 玉米, 豆類, 番茄和起司。在冰箱中最多可保存 5 天。
7. 食用前的早上, 加入 1/4 酪梨, 1 杯蔬菜和碎玉米餅片。
8. 將玻璃瓶搖勻, 然後將內容物倒入大沙拉碗中享用。