Chinese New Year is a time of joy, family gatherings, and delicious feasts! But with all the traditional treats and festive meals, it’s easy to oveeload on sugar and carbs. The good news? You can still enjoy the celebrations while keeping your blood sugar balanced.

Here are some smart strategies to keep your blood sugar balanced while still enjoying the celebrations.

農曆新年是歡樂的節日,是家人團聚、共享美味佳餚的節日!但是,在所有傳統美食和節日大餐中, 人們很容易攝取過量的糖和碳水。好消息?您仍然可以享受慶祝活動,同時保持血糖平衡。

以下是一些聰明的策略, 讓你在享受慶祝活動的同時保持血糖平衡.