Ingredients (4 servings):
1 pack Big Mountain fava tofu cut into 1/4” steaks
1 tbs sugar
4 tbs low sodium soy sauce
2 tsp Salt
2 Nori Sheets cut into quarters
1 tbs Avocado Oil
Sushi Rice:
1 cup short grain rice or purple rice (high fiber option)
1 1/4 cups Water
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1. Pour water and rice into a small pot and bring to a boil over a high heat. Reduce to a medium low heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes.
2. While rice is cooking, prepare rice seasoning. Add rice vinegar and salt.
3. Place sushi rice in a mixing bowl. Using a rice paddle or spatula, slowly add rice vinegar mixture to the rice and stir. Cover with a kitchen towel and set aside.
4. In a mixing bowl, add soy sauce and 1 tsp salt. Whisk to combine.
5. Add fava tofu to the mixing bowl and mix to coat tofu with marinade. Place fava tofu and marinade in a resealable bag and marinate for 2 hours.
6. Prepare Sushi Rice. Remove fava tofu from the resealable bag, reserving marinade. Season fava tofu with remaining 1 tsp salt. Prepare a parchment-lined sheet pan.
7. In a frying pan, heat oil over high heat. Add fava tofu and fry each side for 3 minutes or until browned.
8. Lower heat to medium low and add marinade and brown sugar. Stir with a spatula and glaze fava tofu. Remove from heat and place fava tofu on the prepared sheet pan.
9. In a rectangular mold, place sushi rice creating a quarter-inch layer. Layer on top fried fava tofu. Invert out of the mold and wrap with nori.
10. Serve.
材料 (4份):
1 盒蠶豆豆腐, 切成 1/4” 方塊
1 大湯匙糖
4 大匙低鹽醬油
2 茶匙鹽
2 張紫菜片切成四份
1 大匙酪梨油
1 1/4 杯水
1/2 杯米醋
1/2 茶匙鹽
1. 將水和米倒入小鍋中, 以大火煮沸。調至中低火, 蓋上鍋蓋, 煮 20 分鐘。
2.煮飯的同時, 準備米飯調味料。在小鍋中加入米醋, 鹽和糖。以小火加熱至糖溶解。從火上移開並放在一邊。
3. 將壽司米放入攪拌盆中。使用米槳或鍋鏟,將米醋混合物慢慢添加到米飯中並攪拌。
4. 在攪拌盆中加入醬油和 1 茶匙鹽。攪拌混合。
5. 將蠶豆豆腐放入主鍋中, 攪拌均勻, 使蠶豆豆腐裹上醃料。將蠶豆豆腐和醃料放入可重新密封的袋子中, 醃製 2 小時。
6. 準備壽司飯. 從可重新密封的袋子中取出豆腐, 保留醃料。用剩下的1茶匙鹽調味蠶豆豆腐。
7. 在煎鍋中,以大火加熱油。加入蠶豆豆腐, 每面煎 3 分鐘或直至變成棕色。
8. 將火調至中低,加入醃料和紅糖。用抹刀攪拌, 給蠶豆豆腐上釉。從火上移開,將蠶豆豆腐放在準備好的平底鍋上。
9. 在長方形模具中, 放入壽司米, 形成四分之一英吋的層。上面鋪上炸豆腐。從模具中倒出來, 用海苔包裹起來。
10. 上菜。