If you often feel bloated, gassy, or uncomfortable after eating, your diet could be a key factor—especially if you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The FODMAP diet is designed to help identify foods that may be triggering your digestive distress, so you can make adjustments and feel more at ease.

But it’s not just about making the right food choices—it’s about having the right support. Navigating a Low FODMAP diet can feel overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. This isn’t a diet you have to stay on forever—after the elimination phase, there’s a reintroduction phase to help you understand which foods work for your body.

If you need guidance through the elimination and reintroduction phases, we’re here to help! Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call. Sophiehung.com/work-with-us

如果你經常在飯後感到脹氣, 腹脹或不適, 你的飲食可能是關鍵因素, 特別是如果你患有腸躁症 (IBS) 。FODMAP飲食專為幫助識別可能引發消化不適的食物而設計, 讓你能夠調整飲食, 減少不適, 感覺更輕鬆。

但這不僅僅是選擇正確的食物, 還需要合適的支持。遵循低FODMAP飲食可能讓人感到不知所措, 但你並不需要獨自面對。此外, 這並不是一種需要長期堅持的飲食——在完成初步的排除階段後, 還有重新引入食物的階段, 幫助你了解哪些食物最適合你的身體。

如果你需要指導來順利度過排除和重新引入階段, 我們隨時為你提供幫助!請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。https://sophiehung.com/work-with-us-chinese/