Emergencies can happen when we least expect them, so being prepared is key! Since a lot of people needs to be evacuated from the wild fire recently, it is a good reminder for us to have an emergency backpack ready to go just in case. Here’s a checklist of essential items to pack up in case you need to evacuate:

📄 Important Documents – Keep IDs, insurance papers, social security, and other crucial documents in a waterproof bag.
👕 Clothing – Pack a few sets of clothes, socks, and a warm jacket. Layers are a lifesaver!
🛌 Sleeping Bag – Stay warm and comfortable, no matter where you end up.
🪥 Toiletries – Toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizers, sunblock, and hygiene essentials are a must.
💊 Medications & Supplements – Ensure you have enough of your prescription meds and daily vitamins.
🧴 Travel Towel – Lightweight, compact, and perfect for unexpected situations.
💵 Cash – Small bills are helpful when card payments aren’t an option.
🔌Phone charger- Essential for staying connected and accessing emergency updates.
🫒Healthy snacks- Provides energy and sustenance during prolonged evacuations.
⛑️First aid kit- Crucial for addressing minor injuries and medical needs on the go.

Pack these in a sturdy, easy-to-carry backpack and keep it in an accessible spot. You never know when you’ll need it!
Stay safe and prepared, friends! 💼✨

緊急情況可能在我們最意想不到的時候發生,因此做好準備是關鍵! 最近南加州的山火提醒我們一定要作好準備. 以下是萬一需要撤離時, 打包的必備物品清單:

📄 重要文件-將身分證、保險單和其他重要文件放在防水袋中。
👕 衣物-帶上幾套衣服、襪子和一件保暖外套。層次是救命稻草!
🛌 睡袋-無論身在何處,都能保持溫暖舒適。
🪥 盥洗用品-牙刷、牙膏和衛生必需品是必需的。
💊 藥物和補充劑-確保您有足夠的處方藥和日常維生素。
🧴 旅行毛巾-輕巧、緊湊,非常適合意外情況。
💵 現金-當無法使用卡片付款時,小額鈔票很有用。
🔌手機充電器 – 和外界保持聯繫並獲取最新緊急資訊的必需品.
🫒健康小吃 – 在長時間疏散期間提供能量和營養.
⛑️ 急救箱 – 對於解決輕傷和旅途中的醫療需求至關重要。

保持安全並做好準備,朋友們! 💼✨