
Every week we post new inspirational and informative content on nutrition and fitness. 

High and Low Phosphorus Foods

Too much phosphorus can harm your bones and heart, while too little can cause weakness and fatigue. The key? Choosing the right foods to keep your phosphorus levels in balance while still enjoying delicious, nourishing meals.
Check out these low-phosphorus foods to include and high-phosphorus foods to limit to protect your kidneys!

Why OZEMPIC can NEVER replace healthy lifestyle & diet 為什麼 OZEMPIC 永遠無法取代健康的生活方式和飲食

Stop relying on quick fixes! Temporary solutions may offer relief, but they don’t address the root cause. When you stop, the problem often returns, sometimes worse than before.

The real key to better health is making lasting lifestyle changes: eating nourishing foods, staying active, and managing stress. These habits create real, sustainable results that quick fixes can never provide.

Food recommendations for people with Chronic Kidney Disease and high potassium level

Living with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and managing high potassium levels doesn’t have to feel like an uphill battle. The secret lies in your plate—making smart, kidney-friendly food choices can empower you to take control of your health and feel your best. With the right balance, you can enjoy delicious meals while protecting your kidneys and supporting your overall well-being.
Take the first step toward healthier, kidney-friendly eating! Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
Here are some kidney-friendly, low-potassium foods to include in your diet and high-potassium foods to avoid…
患有慢性腎臟病 (CKD) 並控制高鉀水平並不一定感覺像是一場艱苦的戰鬥。秘密就在於您的餐盤——做出明智的, 對腎臟有益的食物選擇可以讓您掌控自己的健康並感覺最好。透過適當的平衡, 您可以享受美味佳餚, 同時保護您的腎臟並支持您的整體健康。
以下是一些對腎臟有益的低鉀食物, 應包含在您的飲食中, 以及應少吃的高鉀食物…

This Japanese Eating Habit may be the SECRET to living longer 日本人的這種飲食習慣可能是長壽的秘訣

In Okinawa, Japan—home to some of the world’s longest-living people—they follow a practice called Hara Hachi Bu: stopping when they’re 80% full.
This mindful approach to eating isn’t just a tradition—it’s a game-changer. 🧠💡

By tuning into your hunger cues and avoiding overeating, you can:
🌟 Improve digestion
🌟 Reduce inflammation
🌟 Lower your risk of chronic diseases
🌟 Boost overall balance and well-being

The best part? It’s easy to start:
🥢 Eat slowly.
🍴 Control your portions.
🍽️ Savor every bite.

We practice Hara Hachi Bu as a family too and we eat small frequent plant based meal. My 82-young dad was able to reverse his cholesterol and better manage his blood sugar.

Ready to give it a try? Your body and future self might just thank you. 🙌

在日本沖繩——世界上最長壽的一些人的家鄉——他們遵循一種名為“Hara Hachi Bu”的做法:當他們吃飽了 80% 時就停下來。
這種用心飲食的方式不僅是一種傳統,也是一種遊戲規則的改變者。 🧠💡



我們一家都有練習原八部, 我82歲的爸爸更逆轉他的膽固醇和更好地控制他的血糖.
準備好嘗試了嗎?你的身體和未來的自己可能會感謝你。 🙌

7 Plant-based Protein to Lower Cholesterol (7 種降低膽固醇的植物性蛋白質)

Yesterday we talked about how cholesterol comes from animal protein. If you do have high cholesterol, it doesn’t mean you need to become a vegan or anything. You can start with a Meatless Monday and slowly incorporate some more plant based protein in your diet. Even just eating 50% can make a world of a difference in lowering cholesterol and improving heart health. Adding the right plant-based proteins can help reduce LDL (“bad”) cholesterol while keeping you full and energized!
Here are 7 powerful, cholesterol-lowering plant-based proteins:
1️⃣ Chia Seeds
2️⃣ Legumes (Beans and Lentils)
3️⃣ Organic Tofu
4️⃣ Quinoa
5️⃣ Nuts
6️⃣ Organic Edamame
7️⃣ Organic Tempeh
These foods are packed with nutrients, fiber, and healthy fats to support your heart health. 🥗💚
昨天我提到膽固醇是從動物性蛋白質的。如果您確實患有高膽固醇, 並不意味著您需要成為素食主義者。您可以從週一無肉開始, 然後慢慢在飲食中加入更多植物性蛋白質。即使只吃 50% 的飲食含有素蛋白,在降低膽固醇和改善心臟健康方面也會產生巨大的影響。
以下是 7 種強效降低膽固醇的植物性蛋白質:
1️⃣ 奇亞籽
2️⃣ 豆類(黃豆、扁豆)
3️⃣ 豆腐
4️⃣ 藜麥
5️⃣ 堅果
6️⃣ 毛豆
7️⃣ 天貝
這些食物富含營養素、纖維和健康脂肪,可支持您的心臟健康。 🥗💚

Foods to Eat Less to Reduce Cholesterol (想降低膽固醇應少吃的食物)

Many everyday foods—like sugary treats, fried dishes, processed meats, refined grains, and animal proteins—can contribute to diabetes, high cholesterol, and weight gain over time.
The good news? Small changes can make a big impact! Choose more whole grains, plant-based proteins, easy on fried and processed foods, and satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit. It’s not about giving up what you love—it’s about making choices that nourish a healthier, happier you. 🌟🍎
If you felt that you are already eating healthy but the cholesterol is still high, please DM us the word “READY” or fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
許多日常食物,如含糖食品, 油炸食品, 加工肉類, 精製穀物和不同的肉類, 都可以導致糖尿病, 高膽固醇和體重增加。
好消息?小改變可以產生大影響!選擇全穀物和植物性蛋白, 少吃油炸和加工食品, 並用新鮮水果滿足您的甜食需求。這不是要放棄你所愛的東西, 而是要做出讓你更健康, 更快樂的選擇來滋養你的身體。 🌟🍎
如果您覺得自己已經吃得很健康, 但膽固醇還未降下去, 請私訊我們或填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

Healthy Eating During Travel

Traveling doesn’t mean sacrificing your health goals. With just a microwave and a fridge, you can prepare nutritious meals during your stay. Stock up on easy-to-prep essentials like microwavable rice, canned beans/lentils, fresh minimally-prepped veggies, and ready-to-eat proteins like rotisserie chicken, salmon packet, or tofu. For quick breakfasts, pack oats, nut butter, bread, and fruit, and bring healthy snacks like unsalted mixed nuts or chickpea snacks for those on-the-go moments.

Balance is key—enjoy local specialties while making healthier choices for most meals. With a little planning, staying nourished and energized during your travels is easier than ever. Which ideas would you like to try? 🧳✈️

What are GMOs and Why are they Bad For You 什麼是基因改造生物以及為什麼它們對您有害

Did you know that Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are altered in ways that don’t happen naturally? While they can boost crop yields, they might also cause allergies, digestive issues, and hormone imbalances from chemicals like glyphosate.
Make the smart choice for your health—opt for Organic and Non-GMO foods! We’re here to help you every step of the way! Connect with our experts for personalized tips on finding “Non-GMO” and “organic” options that are best for you. 🌿
您是否知道基因改造生物 (GMO) 的改變方式並非自然發生?雖然它們可以提高農作物產量, 但也可能導致過敏, 消化問題以及草甘膦等化學物質引起的荷爾蒙失衡。
為了您的健康做出明智的選擇—選擇非基因改造食品!我們隨時為您提供協助!與我們的專家聯繫, 獲取個人化提示, 找到最適合您的「非基因改造」和「有機」選擇。 🌿

4 Things that Keep You from Burning Fat in Your 40s and Beyond 4 件事讓你在 40 多歲時無法燃燒脂肪

Are you tired of battling stubborn pounds as you enter your 40s and beyond? You’re not alone! Many face these frustrating challenges, but it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time to take control and break through the barriers that are holding you back from reaching your weight loss goals!
Here are four critical obstacles that could be sabotaging your fat-burning efforts, along with powerful strategies to overcome them.
🌟 Ready to transform? We’re here to empower you with a personalized approach that tailors the right food choices and a balanced fitness plan specifically for you! Let’s ignite your potential and achieve the vibrant, healthy life you deserve!
當您進入 40 多歲時, 您是否厭倦了與頑固的體重作鬥爭?你並不孤單!許多人面臨著這些令人沮喪的挑戰, 但情況不一定如此。是時候掌控並突破阻礙您實現減重目標的障礙了!
以下是可能破壞您的脂肪燃燒努力的四個關鍵障礙, 以及克服這些障礙的強大策略。
🌟 準備好改變您的旅程了嗎?我們隨時為您提供個人化的方法, 專門為您量身定制合適的食物選擇和均衡的健身計劃!讓我們激發您的潛力, 實現您應得的充滿活力的健康生活!

10 Takeaways from the Microbiome Labs Conference 微生物組會議的 10 個 重點

The gut is truly the gateway to better health! Here are some powerful insights I learned at the Microbiome Labs conference:
1. Test, don’t guess (everyone should do a gut microbiome test)
2. Dysbiosis (imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut) is one of the major root causes of many diseases
3. Human has a gut of an herbivore, carnivore has a much shorter gut so that the rotten animal won’t stay in their gut for too long, so eat more plant based.
4. Cutting calorie drastically during weight loss can lower your Basal Metabolic Rate (metabolism), focus on balancing your gut microbiome and do strength training instead.
5. It is important to start optimizing vaginal and gut microbiome prenatally because it affects the development of the baby
6. Vaginal microbiome is essential for your sex life
7. What we have this country is NOT Healthcare but Sickcare. We should be proactive vs reactive and focus on preventive care.
8. Human has only 22,000 genes, while our gut bacteria has 260 million genes. We rely on the gut bacteria to do a lot of functions that our own human gene cannot do.
9. Our digestive system without the microbes is just a blender, it is our gut microbiome that breaks the food down.
10. If you don’t feed your gut bacteria with fiber, your gut bacteria will eat YOU (specially your gut lining)
Invest in your gut health for a healthier, happier you! 🧬
1. 測試, 不要猜測 (每個人都應該做腸道微生物組測試)
2. 腸道生態失調 (腸道內好菌和壞菌失衡) 是許多疾病的主要原因之一
3. 人類的腸道和草食動物的腸道一樣, 肉食動物的腸道較短, 這樣腐爛的動物不會在腸道內停留太久, 所以我們應該要多吃植物性食物。
4. 減重期間大幅減少卡路里攝取會導致基礎代謝率下降,專注於平衡腸道微生物組並進行肌力訓練才是重點。
5. 在產前開始優化陰道和腸道微生物組很重要, 因為這會影響嬰兒的發育
6. 陰道微生物群對性生活至關重要
7. 我們這個國家擁有的不是醫療保健, 而是疾病保健 通常等到有病才去看醫生。我們應該主動地預防而不是被動地反應。
8. 人類只有22,000個基因, 而我們的腸道細菌有2.6億個基因。我們依靠腸道細菌來完成許多我們人類基因無法完成的功能。
9. 沒有微生物的消化系統只是一個攪拌機, 分解食物的其實主要是我們的腸道微生物組。
10. 如果你不給腸道細菌餵食纖維, 你的腸道細菌就會吃掉你 (尤其是指你的腸道內壁)
投資您的腸道健康,讓您更健康, 更快樂! 🧬

How can the Elderly Prevent Muscle Loss 老年人如何預防肌肉流失

As we age, we lose our mobility and muscle mass if we don’t make an effort to maintain them.
The MRI images of the thigh showed that the older triathlete’s leg had nearly as much muscle as the younger triathlete’s. This shows how regular exercise, such as running and strength training, can help maintain and rebuild muscle strength as we age.
Also, eating a balanced diet with lean animal or plant-based proteins is key to preventing muscle loss as we age, supporting overall strength and mobility.
If you need help in maintaining your muscle strength, Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
隨著年齡的增長, 如果我們不努力保持關節一活動能力和肌肉質量, 我們就會失去它們。
磁力共振的大腿圖像顯示, 年長的三項鐵人運動員的腿部肌肉幾乎與年輕的三項鐵人運動員的腿部一樣多。這表明定期運動 (例如跑步和力量訓練) 有助於隨著年齡的增長也能保持和重建肌肉力量。此外, 均衡飲食, 含有瘦肉動物或植物性蛋白質是防止隨著年齡增長而肌肉流失, 支持整體力量和活動能力的關鍵。
如果您需要幫助維持肌肉力量, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

6 Tips to Improve Gut Health 改善腸道健康的 6 個秘訣

Ready to transform your gut health and feel your best? Follow these steps:
1. Develop Healthy Eating habits
2. Eat more Probiotic rich Foods
3. Eat more Prebiotic rich Foods
4. Reduce Stress
5. Spend time in nature
6. Sleep 7+ Hours Nightly
A thriving gut microbiome supports digestion, strengthens immunity, and enhances overall well-being.
Need help? Please fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
1. 建立健康飲食習慣
2. 多吃益生菌食物
3. 多吃益生元纖維食物
4. 減輕壓力
5. 多接觸大自然
6. 每晚睡眠7小時以上
健康的腸道微生物群可支持消化, 增強免疫力並改善整體健康。
如果需要幫助, 請填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。

How to Manage High Blood Pressure 如何管理高血壓


Managing high blood pressure can feel overwhelming, but you’ve got the strength to make a difference. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to serious complications like heart attacks, strokes, kidney disease, and vision loss. But with the right steps, you can take control of your health and reduce these risks.

Here’s how you can start:
1️⃣ Reduce sodium intake – Cutting back on salt can significantly lower your blood pressure.
2️⃣ Reduce stress – Find activities that help you relax, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises.
3️⃣ Exercise – Regular physical activity can help keep your blood pressure in check.
4️⃣ Sleep – Getting enough quality sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

If you need help managing high blood pressure, Fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.

控制高血壓可能會讓人感到不知所措, 但你有力量做出改變。不受控制的高血壓會導致嚴重的併發症,, 如心臟病, 中風, 腎臟疾病和視力喪失。但透過正確的步驟, 您可以掌控自己的健康並降低這些風險。

1️⃣ 減少鈉攝取量 – 減少鹽攝取量可顯著降低血壓。
2️⃣ 減輕壓力 – 尋找有助於放鬆的活動, 例如冥想或深呼吸練習。
3️⃣ 運動-定期進行身體活動可以幫助控制血壓。
4️⃣ 睡眠 – 獲得充足的優質睡眠對於維持健康的血壓水平至關重要。

如果您需要幫助控制高血壓, 請私訊我們或填寫下面的申請表以方便安排免費的諮詢。

5 reasons why Fad Diet does not work

Fad diets promise quick fixes and miraculous results, but often at the expense of our well-being. Here are 5 common misconceptions about fad diets:
1. Skip Meals to Lose Weight 🚫
2. No Flexibility in Foods ❌
3. Eating Certain Foods Help Burn Fat 🔥
4. It’s a Quick Fix ⚠️
5. Cutting Entire Food Groups ❎
Instead of chasing after quick temporary fixes, let’s aim for long-term results. Focus on balanced, nutritious eating, regular physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle. This is the true path to lasting well-being and a happier, healthier you!

7 Foods that Reverse Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes

Struggling with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes? I suggest eating these 7 foods on a regular basis to help reverse the condition. These are packed with nutrients that can help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity.
I know that choosing the right foods is key when managing diabetes and having personalized advice and support will help you a lot!

Alternative Natural Sweeteners for Diabetics

Sugar is everywhere! While we could all benefit from less of it, there are some natural sweetener alternatives to refined sugar. 🍯🍁 If blood sugar control is your goal, using these sweeteners in place of sugar can help you achieve it!
But remember, sugar is sugar. Whether it’s organic, it’s still a concentrated source of energy. Even low-calorie sweetner alternatives can cause digestive issues. Consume all sweeteners in moderation. There’s no magic bullet, and if it seems too good to be true, it probably is!

Why Insulin Resistance can lead to Type 2 Diabetes

Did you know that insulin resistance is a major precursor to Type 2 Diabetes? When your cells don’t respond well to insulin, your body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels. Key risk factors include being overweight, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet high in refined carbs and sugars, family history, and high blood pressure. But there’s good news – you can take steps to reverse insulin resistance and regain control of your health. Experts like us can provide personalized guidance and support to help you make the necessary lifestyle changes.


The Blue Zones

Can you imagine living a longer, healthier life surrounded by nature, community, and wholesome food? That’s the reality in Blue Zones, regions where people thrive well into their 100s and beyond. One such Blue Zone is home to Loma Linda University, where I studied the science of nutrition and the power of a plant-based diet.
At Loma Linda, I discovered the transformative benefits of a Flexitarian diet, rich in plant-based proteins and nutrients. This approach, embraced by the vibrant Seventh-day Adventist community, is a key factor in their longevity and vitality.
Inspired by my studies and the Blue Zones lifestyle, I urge you to join me on a journey to better health. Start with small changes, like incorporating Meatless Mondays into your routine, and experience the profound impact it can have on your well-being.
Let’s embrace the wisdom of Blue Zones and pave the way to a healthier, happier life together!

Things to consider before trying Ozempic

Let’s talk about quick-fix weight loss drugs. Yes, they might promise rapid weight loss, but at what cost? While these drugs have their place, especially for managing conditions like diabetes, relying on them for quick weight loss is not the answer.
Here’s why:
⛔️It’s a QUICK FIX
⛔️It can cause MUSCLE LOSS
⛔️It can be UNBEARABLE
⛔️It can be EXPENSIVE
Instead of looking for a magic pill, focus on changing your mindset and creating healthy habits. This approach may take longer, but the results are sustainable and will make you feel so much better in the long run! 💪