Managing and reversing type 2 diabetes can be greatly influenced by the foods you eat, and incorporating the right grains into your diet is a powerful step. It’s understandable that many people with diabetes are scared to eat grains or carbs because they believe all carbs are bad. However, not all carbs are created equal, and the key is choosing the right types and portions.
Here are some of the best grains to help you on your journey to better health:
1. Barley
2. Quinoa
3. Farro
4. Buckwheat
Including these whole grains in your diet can help manage and even reverse type 2 diabetes. Choose whole grains over refined carbs and maintain a balanced diet for the best results. 

您所吃的食物會對控制和逆轉 2 型糖尿病產生很大影響,而將合適的穀物納入您的飲食中是一個強有力的步驟。許多糖尿病患者害怕吃穀物或碳水, 這是可以理解的, 因為他們認為所有碳水都不好。然而, 並非所有碳水都是一樣的,關鍵在於選擇正確的類型和份量。
1. 薏米
2. 藜麥
3. 法羅
4. 蕎麥
在飲食中加入這些全穀物, 可以幫助控制甚至逆轉 2 型糖尿病。選擇全穀物而不是精製碳水, 並保持均衡飲食以獲得最佳效果。