The gut is truly the gateway to better health! Here are some powerful insights I learned at the Microbiome Labs conference:
1. Test, don’t guess (everyone should do a gut microbiome test)
2. Dysbiosis (imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the gut) is one of the major root causes of many diseases
3. Human has a gut of an herbivore, carnivore has a much shorter gut so that the rotten animal won’t stay in their gut for too long, so eat more plant based.
4. Cutting calorie drastically during weight loss can lower your Basal Metabolic Rate (metabolism), focus on balancing your gut microbiome and do strength training instead.
5. It is important to start optimizing vaginal and gut microbiome prenatally because it affects the development of the baby
6. Vaginal microbiome is essential for your sex life
7. What we have this country is NOT Healthcare but Sickcare. We should be proactive vs reactive and focus on preventive care.
8. Human has only 22,000 genes, while our gut bacteria has 260 million genes. We rely on the gut bacteria to do a lot of functions that our own human gene cannot do.
9. Our digestive system without the microbes is just a blender, it is our gut microbiome that breaks the food down.
10. If you don’t feed your gut bacteria with fiber, your gut bacteria will eat YOU (specially your gut lining)
Invest in your gut health for a healthier, happier you! 

1. 測試, 不要猜測 (每個人都應該做腸道微生物組測試)
2. 腸道生態失調 (腸道內好菌和壞菌失衡) 是許多疾病的主要原因之一
3. 人類的腸道和草食動物的腸道一樣, 肉食動物的腸道較短, 這樣腐爛的動物不會在腸道內停留太久, 所以我們應該要多吃植物性食物。
4. 減重期間大幅減少卡路里攝取會導致基礎代謝率下降,專注於平衡腸道微生物組並進行肌力訓練才是重點。
5. 在產前開始優化陰道和腸道微生物組很重要, 因為這會影響嬰兒的發育
6. 陰道微生物群對性生活至關重要
7. 我們這個國家擁有的不是醫療保健, 而是疾病保健 通常等到有病才去看醫生。我們應該主動地預防而不是被動地反應。
8. 人類只有22,000個基因, 而我們的腸道細菌有2.6億個基因。我們依靠腸道細菌來完成許多我們人類基因無法完成的功能。
9. 沒有微生物的消化系統只是一個攪拌機, 分解食物的其實主要是我們的腸道微生物組。
10. 如果你不給腸道細菌餵食纖維, 你的腸道細菌就會吃掉你 (尤其是指你的腸道內壁)
投資您的腸道健康,讓您更健康, 更快樂!