We went to a Finance and Wealth Building conference last weekend. We learned from many inspirational speakers and had a ton of fun as well. I am super proud that our mentor won many awards, which reassured me that I’m in the right team. Some of my teammates also won many awards just doing this business part-time, which also shows me the possibility of working this business part time.

Here are my top 10 takeaways:
1) Stay coachable, don’t focus on the results
2) Knowledge is not power unless it is applied
3) Go from Possibility Thinker to Impossibility Achiever
4) To attract better, you have to become better. You can’t do the same thing and expect change.
5) Expect headwind for every business, learn to stay in the business even during challenging times.
6) Be comfortable with the uncomfortable
7) How you do anything is how you do everything
8) When team member leaves, don’t get discouraged. People who are meant to stay will stay, people who don’t, they are just part of the journey.
9) It’s not the strongest or most intelligent species that survives. It’s the one who is most adaptable to change. ~Charles Darwin
10) Don’t leave anything for later.
Later, the coffee gets cold
Later, you lose interest
Later, day turns into night
Later, people grow up
Later, people grow old
Later, life goes by
Later, you regret NOT doing