Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is one of the easiest and most delicious ways to support your health. Each type offers unique vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that your body needs to function at its best.
By aiming to eat 50 different varieties each week, you can optimize your gut health since different fruits and veggies contain diverse fibers that feed various probiotics in your gut. The increased fiber also helps with satiety for weight management, blood sugar control, reduce cholesterol, and many more benefits.
Take a moment to think about it—how many different fruits and veggies do you eat in a week?
吃多種水果和蔬菜是保持健康的最簡單, 最美味的方法之一。每種類型都提供您的身體所需的獨特維生素, 礦物質和抗氧化劑,以確保其最佳功能。
透過每週吃 50 種不同的食物,您可以優化您的腸道健康,因為不同的水果和蔬菜含有不同的纖維,可以為您腸道中的各種益生菌提供營養。 這些纖維還可以幫助你增加飽足感, 維持血糖正常和降低膽固醇!