Ingredients (4 servings):
4-6 cups cooked brown rice (cauliflower rice for low carb option)
4 cups steamed broccoli
2 cups purple cabbage
2 cups cucumber
2 tbs of sliced scallions
2 tbs of toasted sesame seeds
1 cup of low sodium kimchi

For the Sauce:
2 tbs toasted sesame oil
4 cloves garlic minced
2 tbs fresh ginger minced
¼ cup brown sugar packed
¼ cup low sodium soy sauce (use tamari for gluten-free)
1/4-1/2 tsp crushed red chili pepper flakes or to taste
1/2-1 tsp ground black pepper or to taste

For the Mushrooms:
1-2 tbsp sesame oil
12-16 oz shiitake mushrooms, stems removed and sliced (about 4-5 cups)
2 ½ cups cooked green or brown lentils, drained and rinsed

1. In a small bowl, whisk together the ingredients for the sauce.
2. In wide cast iron skillet or heavy bottomed pan, heat 1 tbs of sesame oil over medium-high heat. Once shimmering, add in the sliced mushrooms. If you don’t have a wide pan, work in batches. Let them cook for 3-5 minutes before stirring. Stir, then leave them for another 3 minutes and repeat one more time or until the mushrooms are seared and cooked through.
3. Add in the sauce, scraping the bottom to get any bits that have stuck. Stir in the drained lentils, reduce heat to medium-low and let simmer until the sauce is reduced and the lentils start to stick a bit, about 5 minutes. Stir only as necessary so you don’t mash the lentils.
4. Serve over hot brown rice, side of steamed broccoli, sliced green onions, cucumber, purple cabbage, kimchi and toasted sesame seeds if desired.

材料 (4份):
4-6 杯煮熟的糙米 (低碳水化合物選擇的花椰菜米)
4 杯蒸西蘭花
2 杯紫椰菜
2 杯小黃瓜
2 大匙蔥片
2 大匙烤芝麻
1 杯低鈉泡菜

2 大匙烤芝麻油
4 瓣大蒜, 切碎
2 大匙新鮮薑, 切碎
¼ 杯紅糖
¼ 杯低鈉醬油
1/4-1/2 茶匙紅辣椒碎片, 或適量
1/2-1 茶匙黑胡椒粉, 或適量

1-2 大匙芝麻油
12-16 oz 香菇, 去蒂並切片(約 4-5 杯)
2 ½ 杯煮熟的綠色扁豆或紅色扁豆, 瀝乾並沖洗

1. 在一個小碗中, 將醬汁的材料攪拌在一起。
2. 在寬鑄鐵煎鍋或厚底鍋中, 以中高火加熱 1 大匙芝麻油。一旦閃閃發光, 加入切片蘑菇。如果你沒有寬鍋, 可以分批進行。讓它們煮 3-5 分鐘, 然後攪拌。攪拌, 然後再靜置 3 分鐘, 然後再重複一次或直到蘑菇烤熟。
3. 加入醬汁, 刮掉底部黏住的碎片。拌入瀝乾的扁豆, 將火調至中低, 小火煮約 5 分鐘, 直到醬汁減少且扁豆開始有點黏。 盡量減少攪拌, 以免將扁豆搗碎。
4. 配搭糙米飯或者花椰菜飯, 蔥片, 小黃瓜, 紫椰菜, 泡菜和烤芝麻 (如果需要)。