Many everyday foods—like sugary treats, fried dishes, processed meats, refined grains, and animal proteins—can contribute to diabetes, high cholesterol, and weight gain over time.
The good news? Small changes can make a big impact! Choose more whole grains, plant-based proteins, easy on fried and processed foods, and satisfy your sweet tooth with fresh fruit. It’s not about giving up what you love—it’s about making choices that nourish a healthier, happier you. 

If you felt that you are already eating healthy but the cholesterol is still high, please DM us the word “READY” or fill out the application below to schedule a FREE discovery call.
許多日常食物,如含糖食品, 油炸食品, 加工肉類, 精製穀物和不同的肉類, 都可以導致糖尿病, 高膽固醇和體重增加。
好消息?小改變可以產生大影響!選擇全穀物和植物性蛋白, 少吃油炸和加工食品, 並用新鮮水果滿足您的甜食需求。這不是要放棄你所愛的東西, 而是要做出讓你更健康, 更快樂的選擇來滋養你的身體。 

如果您覺得自己已經吃得很健康, 但膽固醇還未降下去, 請私訊我們或填寫以下的申請表以方便安排免費諮詢。