I did a grocery store tour/scavenger hunt for the kids from Afterschool Planet program as one of their field trips. I first explained to them what a balanced meal looks like, emphasizing to eat different colors of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and incorporating some plant based proteins. In the fresh fruits and veggies section, we had the kids look for fruits/veggies of different colors, then we went to the bread section and had the kids look for the type of bread with the highest fiber. Afterward we went to the canned beans section and asked the kids to look for beans with lowest sodium option. We also went to the frozen veggies section and told them having frozen veggies is better than having no veggies. Finally, we dropped by the tofu section and explained to them what tofu was, how to prepare them, and how the super firm texture has way more proteins than the soft ones. At the end of the tour, I gave each kid a cookbook to take home as well. I love how they were so engaged and it was so fun to hang out with them.